AERA Highlights November 2013
AERA Highlights November 2013

November 2013

AERA and Research Community Defend Social Sciences


New Initiative Takes Aim at Congressional Attacks on the Social Sciences
AERA and a number of other major scientific societies and coalitions have launched a new initiative to turn around the escalating assault on the social sciences in Congress.
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America COMPETES Act Reauthorization Raises Concerns for Researchers
Congressional committees with jurisdiction over science in the House of Representatives and Senate have started their consideration of the reauthorization of the America COMPETES Act.
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2013 Brown Lecture Draws Record Audience

Professor Gary Orfield’s compelling lecture drew the largest audience in the history of the event. Orfield addressed the lack of awareness of racial inequality in the United States.
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AERA Council, Committees Focus on Innovation at Fall Meeting
Last month, the AERA 2013 Coordinated Committee Meeting—an annual gathering of AERA standing committees—provided an opportunity for these groups to meet, address next steps, and work collectively on planning. 
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AERA Issues Reports and Recommendations on Higher Education Faculty
AERA released two new reports on college faculty earlier this month—Rethinking Faculty Evaluation and Non-Tenure-Track Faculty in U.S. Universities. These reports, including recommendations issued by AERA Council, stem from the work of two task forces established in 2012 by the AERA Council.
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AERA to Co-Host EWA National Seminar
At the end of October, the Education Writers Association announced that its 67th National Seminar  will take place on the Vanderbilt University campus in Nashville, Tenn., on May 18–20, 2014. 
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ER Articles in the News
Recent articles from AERA’s Educational Researcher have received press attention, with several mentions in prominent media outlets since late October. 
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Beyond AERA


NCES Commissioner to Depart
Commissioner Sean P. “Jack” Buckley has announced that he will leave the National Center for Education Statistics in January. Buckley will become senior vice president for research at the College Board.
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Results for 2013 NAEP Mathematics and Reading Assessments Are In
Nationally representative samples of more than 376,000 fourth-grade students and 341,000 eighth-grade students show progress in mathematics and reading, according to the most recent data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress, a congressionally authorized project sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. 
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HHS Releases Initial Findings From National Survey of Early Care and Education
A research brief released at the end of October from the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provides the first nationally representative portrait of early care and education teachers and caregivers working directly with children from birth through age 5. 
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What Works Clearinghouse Webinar for Researchers and Developers
The Institute of Education Sciences and Mathematica Policy Research will host a webinar to provide information on the What Works Clearinghouse on December 3 from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. EST. 
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Award and Fellowship Opportunities


AERA Awards Deadline Extended to December 5
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ERSP Deadline Extended to January 9
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Call for Research and Dissertation Grant Proposals - Deadline: January 24
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Call for 2014 Brown Lecture Speaker Nominations - Deadline: January 31
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Offical AERA Reports


AERA Council Minutes 
June 28-29, 2013 (PDF)

AERA Executive Board Minutes
June 27, 2013 (PDF)

AERA Highlights is published by the American Educational Research Association monthly to inform members and others interested in education research about the latest news and developments in AERA and in the field.
Editor: Felice J. Levine
Managing Editors: Tony Pals and John Neikirk
Contributors: Lauren Green, Bridget Jameson, Phat Nguyen, Christy Talbot, Martha Yager

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