COVID-19 Turned Parents into Proxy Educators; New Research Examines the Stress It Caused A study published in Educational Researcher finds that roughly 51 percent of all parents surveyed in March and April had at least one child struggling with distance learning and were themselves experiencing significantly higher levels of stress. Read more Statement by AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine on the Wall Street Journal’s Sexist and Derogatory Op-ed AERA condemns the opinions expressed by Joseph Epstein in a recent op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal criticizing Dr. Jill Biden’s use of the “Dr.” title. Read more Study: Teacher Performance Measures May Penalize Black Educators By not adjusting for school and classroom factors outside the control of educators, classroom observation scores for Black teachers in Chicago Public Schools unfairly penalize them for being more likely to teach in schools in low-income neighborhoods with students who are academically disadvantaged, according to a study published in EEPA. Read more
AERA and OECD to Hold Policy Forum on Global Teaching InSights Video Study Results AERA and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) will hold an interactive policy forum on “Measuring Teaching at a Global Scale—Policy Perspectives on the Findings from the Global Teaching InSights Video Study” at 9:30-11:00 am EST, Tuesday, November 24. Read more Study: Jumps in Elementary School Violence Linked to Increased Student Transfers, Especially Among More Advantaged Students New research finds that student exposure to violent crime in urban elementary schools is linked to higher transfer rates, with students ineligible for free- or reduced-price meals and students from safer neighborhoods more likely to leave than their less advantaged peers. Read more
Research Video News Brief: Projecting the Potential Impact of COVID-19 School Closures on Academic Achievement A study published today in Educational Researcher provides preliminary projections of the impact of COVID-19-related school closures in spring 2020 on student learning. Read more and watch study coauthor Megan Kuhfeld discuss major findings and implications of the study. Study: Free-College Programs Have Led to Large Enrollment Increases at Two-Year Institutions, Especially Among Historically Underserved Students A study of 33 public community college promise programs, or free-college programs, across the United States found that they are associated with large enrollment increases of first-time, full-time students—with the biggest boost in enrollment among Black, Hispanic, and female students. Read more
Statement by AERA, APA, and NCME on Withdrawal of Lawsuit Against Public.Resource.Org We are pleased to announce that the American Educational Research Association, the American Psychological Association, and the National Council on Measurement in Education have dropped their lawsuit against Public.Resource.Org, Inc. Read more William F. Tate IV, National Expert on the Intersections Between Education, Society, and Public Health, to Examine the “Segregation Pandemic” at 2020 AERA Brown Lecture AERA is holding the 17th Annual Brown Lecture in Education Research on October 22 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. EDT. The event, which will be held virtually, is free and open to the public. ASL and closed captioning will be provided. Read more AERA to Hold Virtual Awards Celebration on October 3 AERA is holding a Virtual Awards Celebration on October 3, 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. EDT, to honor recipients of the 2020 AERA Awards and to give attendees an inside look at exemplary accomplishments in education research across areas of study and career stages. Read more
Statement in Support of Anti-Racist Education AERA and the National Academy of Education jointly released a statement in support of anti-racist education, in collaboration with endorser scientific societies. Read more Research Organizations Announce Joint Commitment to Advancing Scholarly Study of Racism AERA, the Society of Research on Adolescence, and the Society for Research in Child Development have announced that they are jointly committing to advancing scholarly inquiry related to racism and its impact on education- and youth development-related settings, processes, and outcomes, and promoting the use and dissemination of this research and its practical application to serve the public good. Read more AERA and OECD to Co-Host Webinar on Education Research Worldwide in a Covid and Post-Covid World AERA and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development will co-host a webinar on “Education Research Worldwide in a Covid and Post-Covid World” at 9:30-11:00 am EDT, Wednesday, September 23. Read more Correcting Covid-19 Misconceptions May Require Speaking to Individuals’ Moral Values, According to New Research The effectiveness of educational content aimed at correcting misconceptions about the risks, transmission, and prevention of Covid-19 is largely influenced by a person’s prevailing moral values, according to a new study published in Educational Researcher. Read more
AERA Selects William F. Tate IV to Deliver 2020 Brown Lecture in Education Research William F. Tate IV, provost and executive vice president of academic affairs at the University of South Carolina, and a leading expert on the intersections between education, society, and public health, has been selected by AERA to present the 2020 Brown Lecture in Education Research. Read more New Research Contradicts Claims that Asian American Students Are Harmed When They Cannot Attend Their First-Choice University A new study finds evidence that contradicts claims in legal complaints to the U.S. Department of Justice arguing that Asian American students face negative consequences while in college as a result of not being admitted to and not attending their first-choice institution. Read more
AERA Announces 2020 Award Winners in Education Research AERA has announced the winners of its 2020 awards for excellence in education research. AERA will honor the recipients for their outstanding scholarship and service at a Virtual Awards Celebration, September 12, 3:00-4:30 p.m. EDT. Read more Does the Federal Government’s “Naming and Shaming” of Colleges with Large Tuition Increases Make a Difference? A study published in Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis today found that the U.S. Department of Education’s “naming and shaming” of colleges with large tuition increases does not affect institutional pricing policies or students’ enrollment decisions. Read the news release. Watch the author video. Statement by AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine on ICE Guidance on International Students and University Online-Only Instruction AERA urges the administration to reverse the ICE guidance and allow international students with valid visas to remain in the United States as their universities strive to find the best path forward to providing a high-quality education while ensuring public health safety. Read more Study: More than Half of U.S. Students Experience Summer Learning Losses Five Years in a Row Following U.S. students across five summers between grades 1 and 6, a little more than half (52 percent) experienced learning losses in all five summers, according to a large national study published today. Students in this group lost an average of 39 percent of their total school year gains during each summer. Read more How Can Education Researchers Support Education and Public Health Institutions During Covid-19? As education researchers’ ongoing work is interrupted by school closures, what can they do to support education and public health institutions dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic? An article published today in Educational Researcher aims to answer that question, providing recommendations based on conversations with public health officials, state and local policymakers, educational leaders, directors of national education organizations, and researchers across disciplines. Read more AERA President Shaun Harper to Testify before Congress about Covid-19 and the Racial Equity Implications of Reopening College and University Campuses Shaun Harper, AERA President and a Provost Professor of Education and Business at the University of Southern California, will testify before the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Investment at the hearing titled “A Major Test: Examining the Impact of COVID-19 on the Future of Higher Education” at 12 p.m. EDT, Tuesday, July 7. Read more
Statement by AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine on the Celebration of Juneteenth AERA and the field of education research stand together in celebrating Juneteenth. On this important day and at this critical turning point in our society, we express our deep commitment to taking affirmative steps to eradicate systemic racism and to addressing the racial trauma that has afflicted so many for far too long. Read more Black and Female Principal Candidates More Likely to Experience Delayed and Denied Promotions than White or Male Counterparts Black and female assistant principals are systematically delayed and denied promotion to principal, compared to their White or male counterparts, despite having equivalent qualifications and more experience on average, according to a new study. Read more Study: News Reports of Education “Achievement Gaps” May Perpetuate Stereotypes of Black Americans A new study finds that TV news reporting about racial achievement gaps led viewers to report exaggerated stereotypes of Black Americans as lacking education and may have increased implicit stereotyping of Black students as less competent than White students. Read more
Statement by AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine on #ShutDownSTEM /#ShutDownAcademia AERA supports #ShutDownSTEM/#ShutDownAcademia as one visible way to send the message that we stand strong in our commitment to eradicate racism and institutionalized violence in all forms. Read more
Presidential Statement on Police Killings of Black People In a statement in response to the killing of George Floyd, AERA President Shaun Harper calls for the use of evidence in the orientation, professional learning, leadership development, and accountability of law enforcement officers, and urges education researchers to use data to inform the creation and implementation of policies that protect Black communities from racial profiling and the use of excessive force in police interactions. Read more
AERA Joins Scientific Community to Endorse Congressional Resolutions Against Anti-Asian Discrimination Related to COVID-19 AERA has joined with 49 other science organizations to endorse congressional resolutions that denounce anti-Asian discrimination related to COVID-19 and call for leveraging global diversity to solve the public health crisis, including the vital role of researchers of Asian ancestry. Read more
AERA and Spencer Foundation to Examine the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Most Vulnerable Members of the Education Research Field AERA and the Spencer Foundation have announced they are undertaking a study of the impact of COVID-19 on early career scholars and graduate students in education research—the most professionally vulnerable of the field. Read more
Research Finds Teachers Just as Likely to Have Racial Bias as Non-Teachers New research finds that “teachers are people too,” holding almost as much pro-White racial bias as non-teachers of the same race, level of education, age, gender, and political affiliation. Read more
Media Advisory: AERA to Hold Online Gathering and Presidential Presentation at 3 pm EDT, April 19 The American Educational Research Association will hold an online “Worldwide Gathering for Reflection, Presentation, and Rededication” at 3:00–4:00 pm EDT Sunday, April 19. Read more
Study: After Affirmative Action Bans, Enrollment of Underrepresented Minority Students at Public Universities Has Not Kept Pace with Demographic Trends A new study published in Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis finds states that have banned affirmative action, the share of underrepresented minorities among students admitted to and enrolling in public universities has steadily lost ground relative to changing demographic trends among those states’ high school graduates. Read more
AERA Announces Cancellation of 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting AERA announced today that it is cancelling plans for a virtual 2020 Annual Meeting in April. Read more
AERA Announces 2020 Annual Meeting Change Due to Coronavirus AERA will not be holding a place-based Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA, in April 2020 due to the coronavirus. Instead, AERA is shifting to a virtual meeting. Read more
Study: Social Studies Teachers Not “Above the Fray” in Linking Their Political Views to How They Assess News Source Credibility A new study published in Educational Researcher finds a strong connection between high school social studies teachers’ political ideology and how credible they find various mainstream news outlets. Read more
Na'ilah Suad Nasir Voted AERA President-Elect; Key Members Elected to AERA Council Na'ilah Suad Nasir, president of the Spencer Foundation, has been voted president-elect of AERA. Along with Nasir as president-elect, members elected several new AERA Council representatives. Read more
AERA Announces 2020 Fellows AERA has announced the selection of 12 prominent scholars as 2020 AERA Fellows. AERA Fellows are selected on the basis of their notable and sustained research achievements. They join 665 current AERA Fellows. Read more
NSF Selects AERA and ICPSR to Create New Data Hub to Boost STEM Education Research Efforts AERA and ICPSR have joined forces to create a research data hub to connect, educate, and build a community around STEM education data resources. This new platform—Partnership for Expanding Education Research in STEM (PEERS)—was competitively selected for support by the NSF through its Core Research Program in the Directorate of Education and Human Resources. Read more Research Finds that High School GPAs Are Stronger Predictors of College Graduation than ACT Scores Students’ high school grade point averages are five times stronger than their ACT scores at predicting college graduation, according to a new study published in Educational Researcher. Read more