AERA News Research Policy and Funding Updates AERA Important Nominations New AERA Call Ongoing AERA Calls AERA Publications Calls Beyond AERA In Memoriam AERA in the News
AERA Selects William F. Tate IV to Deliver 2020 Brown Lecture in Education Research William F. Tate IV, provost and executive vice president of academic affairs at the University of South Carolina, and a leading expert on the intersections between education, society, and public health, has been selected to present the 2020 Brown Lecture in Education Research. Read more
AERA Town Hall Meetings Engage Education Research Community in Envisioning the 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine and President Shaun R. Harper hosted two virtual Town Hall Meetings on August 25 and August 28 to talk to the education research community about early plans for the 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting and to gather feedback and answer questions from AERA members and other meeting attendees. Read more
AERA to Provide Live Demonstrations of Interactive Presentation Gallery for 2020 Annual Meeting Authors—September 15 and 22 Extended Deadline for Creating Presentations: October 30 To help 2020 Annual Meeting authors take full advantage of the features of the new Interactive Presentation Gallery, AERA will be holding two live demonstrations of the iPoster platform on September 15 and 22, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. EDT. Read more
AERA to Hold Virtual Awards Celebration for 2020 AERA-wide Awardees On October 3, 2020, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. EDT, AERA will hold a Virtual Awards Celebration to honor and celebrate the recipients of the 2020 AERA-wide awards. Read more
AERA to Co-Host Online Conference on Educational Data Science on September 18—Registration Now Open In collaboration with Stanford University Professor Daniel A. McFarland and other scholars, AERA is co-hosting the Online Conference on Educational Data Science on September 18, 8:00 a.m.–12:45 p.m. PDT. Read more
AERA to Hold Virtual Research Learning Courses on September 1 and 15 The first AERA Virtual Research Learning Series concludes in September with two final courses that will build on the significant success of the series since it launched in May. Read more
NAGB Advances Resolution Urging NCES to Continue Plans for 2021 Mandated NAEP Assessments On July 31, the National Assessment Governing Board voted 13–10 to pass a resolution that encourages the National Center for Education Statistics to continue plans to administer the fourth- and eighth-grade 2021 National Assessment of Educational Progress tests in math and reading. Read more
Negotiations Stall on Additional COVID-19 Emergency Funding Package Despite meetings between congressional Democratic leadership and the Trump administration, action on an additional emergency funding package to address the Covid-19 pandemic stalled in August. Read more
AERA Nominating Committee for SIG Executive Committee Seeks Recommendations –Deadline: September 15 The AERA Nominating Committee for the Special Interest Groups Executive Committee seeks recommendations for well-qualified candidates to run for the positions of Chair-Elect and Member-at-Large in the 2021 election. Read more
AERA Nominating Committee for Graduate Student Council Welcomes Recommendations—Deadline: September 15 The AERA Graduate Student Council Nominating Committee welcomes recommendations of well-qualified individuals as potential candidates to run for GSC office in the 2021 election. Read more
AERA Fellows Committee Seeks Nominations for 2021 Class of Fellows—Deadline Extended: October 30 In recognition of the time demands facing nominators putting together strong Fellow submission materials, AERA is extending the nominations deadline from September 30 to October 30. Read more
Call for Proposals for AERA Minority Dissertation Fellowship—Deadline: November 16 Sign up for the informational webinar on September 10, 3—4 pm EDT, to learn more.
Call for Nominations for 2021 Awards—Deadline: October 29 (except for nominations for the Outstanding Book Award, which are due October 21)
Call for AERA Research and Dissertation Grant Applications—Deadline Extended: November 2
The purpose of this special topic, launched in response to the current pandemic crisis, will be to learn and share as many lessons as possible, so that we are better prepared for systemic shocks in the future.
Call for Proposals for 2022 Review of Research in Education —Deadline: November 1, 2020
Visit the Beyond AERA webpage for additional professional advancement opportunities from other organizations, including calls for papers and submissions, meetings and conferences, and other activities.
Kathryn Anne Davis, 70, died on August 16. She retired in 2017 from the University of Hawai‘I, where she had served as a professor in the Department of Second Language Studies and director of the Center for Second Language Research. Read more
Stuart Karabenick, 80, Professor Emeritus of Education and adjunct professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Eastern Michigan University, died on August 1, 2020. He was a member of Division C: Leaning and instruction. Read more
Lubna N. Chaudhry, 54, an associate professor of human development at Binghamton University—SUNY, died on August 12. She was a member of the 2021 AERA Presidential Program Committee and was Division G's co-program chair . Read more
Ruby Takanishi, a senior research fellow at the New America Foundation and former president and CEO of the Foundation for Child Development, recently died. She received the AERA Distinguished Public Service Award in 2014 and served on the AERA Annual Meeting Policies and Procedures Committee. Read more
Notices of AERA members who have passed away may be sent to Please include full name, date of death, age, most recent affiliation, and a link to an official announcement.
When Asian Students Don't Get Into Their First-Choice College Inside Higher Ed, August 25
Study Finds Evidence That Counters Legal Complaints Filed Against Yale and Harvard Diverse Issues in Higher Education, August 24
Columbus-area schools prepare for students’ ‘COVID slide’ The Columbus Dispatch, August 15
The ‘summer slide’ was tough before COVID-19, but getting kids in back-to-school mode is extra tough this year. Here are some tips to get you started. Chicago Tribune, August 11
Is tutoring the answer to the COVID slide? Education Dive, August 11
More AERA in the News
AERA Highlights is published by the American Educational Research Association monthly to inform members and others interested in education research about the latest news and developments in AERA and in the field. Editor: Felice J. Levine Managing Editors: Tony Pals and John Neikirk Contributors: Nathan Bell, Audrey Poe, Christy Talbot, Tong Wu, and Martha Yager