June 2020
AERA members are encouraged to submit nominations for education researchers who have made significant scientific or scholarly contributions to the field to be honored as an AERA Fellow. Established in 2010, the AERA Fellows program honors education researchers for their exceptional contributions to, and excellence in, education research.
“AERA Fellows exemplify the highest standards of excellence through accomplishment, professionalism, and commitment,” said AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine. “We welcome submissions of scholars whose contributions and dedication to the field have been ground-breaking, sustained, and inspirational.”
The Call for Nominations includes the requirements for submitting a nomination and the information that the Fellows Committee seeks in reviewing nominations. Most helpful for the Committee is that nominators and endorsers have expertise in the area of the nominee’s significant, scholarly contributions, or can speak knowledgably about its significance. All nominees, nominators, and endorsers must be current AERA members. At least one of the nominator and two endorsers for each nomination must be a current AERA Fellow. In a change from recent years, the nominator or endorser may be from the same institution as a nominee.
The deadline for nominations is September 30 and should be submitted through the nomination form on the AERA website.