AERA Elections Overview

2025 Elections

On Wednesday, January 15, 2025, AERA opened the 2025 election with voting conducted by electronic ballot. The election closed on Thursday, February 13, 2025. Biographical statements for all candidates appear on the ballots and are available on the AERA website.  

Election Ballots

On Wednesday, January 15, 2025, all 2024 and 2025 voting AERA members received an e-ballot notification message that includes a hyperlink to their personalized ballot. (Only 2024 members and 2025 members who joined or renewed by Tuesday, January 7, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. PST, are eligible to vote in the 2025 election.) The e-ballot notification was sent by Intelliscan, Inc., AERA’s independent election agent, from aera.ballot@intelliscaninc.net. The election will close on Thursday, February 13, 2025. 

The personalized ballot is customized to include applicable election(s) according to the voting member’s AERA, division, and/or SIG membership(s). AERA voting members who are members of one or more divisions or SIGs are eligible to vote in elections of officers of those division(s) and/or SIG(s). Individuals who are members of one or more SIGs are eligible to vote in elections of officers for the SIG Executive Committee. Graduate student members of AERA are eligible to vote in elections of officers for the Graduate Student Council. 

Election Regulations

Candidate Campaigning Policy (Approved by AERA Council, April 2011)

The following sets forth the campaigning policy to guide candidates and the American Educational Research Association through the election process.  

  • The biographical sketch accompanying each ballot shall be the primary mechanism for a candidate to provide the AERA voting membership with information regarding his/her qualifications. Biographical sketches (with or without personal statements) of candidates are limited to 350 words for officers who also serve on the AERA Council by virtue of their roles and 200 words for all other candidates.
  • AERA discourages campaigning by candidates and their supporters. Nothing in this policy precludes campaigning as long as campaigning does not include, directly or indirectly, using any of the means of communication with members made available through the Association and does not involve the material expenditure of funds by candidates or their supporters. Candidates are encouraged to seek guidance from the Executive Director or her or his designee in areas of uncertainty.
  • Candidates who have access to AERA information or the tools and technology of the Association may not use them to campaign (e.g., a division vice president or SIG chair who is a candidate for another AERA position urging constituents to vote).
  • Any violation of these regulations shall be reported immediately to the Executive Director. If the allegations are substantiated to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, then the matter shall be referred to the AERA Ethics Committee for consideration in accord with the procedures of that committee. A finding of fault can lead to disciplinary action.

Please contact AERA’s Governance office if you have any questions at governance@aera.net.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get a ballot?
If you are a voting member, you will receive an e-ballot via email from aera.ballot@intelliscaninc.net.  

Who do I contact if I do not receive a ballot?
As stipulated in the AERA Bylaws, only voting members may vote and hold elected office in the Association. Please email governance@aera.net if you are a voting member and have not received a ballot. Please also provide your full name and affiliation.

There is something wrong with my ballot.
If you have any questions concerning technical problems, please contact AERA’s independent election agent, Keith Wier, at Intelliscan at kwier@intelliscaninc.com or 610-935-6171.

When will the results of the election be announced?
The results will be announced on the AERA website and in the February issue of Highlights.

 Election Results

AERA 2025 Election

The 2025 AERA election launched on January 15, 2025 and closed on February 13, 2025.