Review of Research
Review of Research
Review of Research Award

2024 Award Recipient


Lolita A. Tabron
University of Denver

Amanda K. Thomas
University of the Southern Caribbean"Deeper than Wordplay: A Systematic Review of Critical Quantitative Approaches in Education Research (2007–2021)"
Review of Educational Research, Volume 93, Issue 5, February 2023.

The 2024 Review of Research Award is presented to Dr. Lolita A. Tabron and Dr. Amanda K. Thomas for their article "Deeper than wordplay: A systematic review of critical quantitative approaches in education research (2007-2021)," which was published in the October 2023 issue of Review of Educational Research. Tabron and Thomas’ manuscript is a cutting-edge contribution to the literature on race and schooling that works “to understand how critical approaches to quantitative inquiry emerged as a new paradigm within quantitative methods, and whether there is any distinction between quantitative criticalism, QuantCrit, and critical quantitative inquiries or simply interchangeable wordplay” (p. 756). As one reviewer shared, “this piece calls for an epistemological shift and emphasis that is crucial to moving the field forward.” Reviewers predicted that this manuscript will become a foundational publication for scholars to embrace.

The Review of Research Award recognizes the most outstanding research review article published in the Review of Educational Research (RER) or the Review of Research in Education (RRE). The elements of an outstanding research review include: (1) significance of the contribution to advancing knowledge, (2) transparency of the methods and scope of research included in the review, and (3) uniqueness in addressing new or novel bodies of research or integrating distinctive areas. The award is granted based on substantial merit, as determined by the selection committee. The committee considers all articles published in RRE and RER from October 1 of a given year to September 30 of the next year, preceding the year in which the award is conferred.

Past Recipients

2023 - Katherine M. Zinsser, H. Callie Silver, Elyse R. Shenberger, Velisha Jackson
2022 - Christa J. Porter, Janice A. Byrd
2021 - Adam Alvarez
2020 - Francis A. Pearman, II
2019 - Seth A Parsons, Margaret Vaughn, Roya Qualls Scales, Melissa A. Gallagher, Allison Ward Parsons, Stephanie G. Davis, Melissa Pierczynski, and  Melony Allen
2018 - Katherine Muenks, David B. Miele
2017 - Alfredo J. Artiles
2017 - Sherman Dorn
2017 - Aydin Bal
2016 - Eve Manz
2015 - Jeanne M. Powers
2014 - Michael A. Lawson and Hal A. Lawson
2013 - Odis Johnson Jr.
2012 - David Scott Yeager and Gregory Mariotti Walton
2011 - James G. Ladwig
2010 - Francois Victor Tochon
2009 - Robert E. Slavin and Cynthia Lake
2008 - Tina Seidel and Richard J. Shavelson
2007 - Harris M. Cooper, Jorgianne Civey Robinson, & Erika A. Patall
2006 - Selcuk R. Sirin
2005 - Mark E. Engberg
2004 - Geoffrey T. Borman, Gina M. Hewes, Laura T. Overman, & Shelly Brown
2003 - Mark Windschitl
2002 - Karen M. LaParo & Robert C. Pianta
2001 - John D. Bransford & Daniel L. Schwartz
2000 - Marvin Wideen, Jolie Mayer-Smith & Barbara Moon
1999 - Barbara K. Hofer & Paul R. Pintrich
1998 - Jill Fitzgerald
1997 - Rob Greenwald, Larry Hedges & Richard Laine
1996 - Mark Smylie
1995 - No Award Given
1994 - James A. Banks
1993 - Judith D. Singer, Gary Sykes & John B. Willett
1992 - Susan Klein, David Sadker & Myra Sadker
1991 - Gary L. Anderson
1990 - James W. Stigler & Ruth Barnes
1989 - Mary M. Kennedy
1988 - Thomas A. Romberg & Thomas P. Carpenter
1987 - Carl F. Kaestle
1986 - Richard K. Wagner & Robert J. Sternberg
1985 - Linda Darling-Hammond, Arthur Wise & Sara Pease
1984 - Noreen M. Webb
1983 - Deborah J. Stipek & John R. Weisz
1982 - John W. Thomas
1981 - Robert F. Boruch & Paul M. Wortman
1980 - Cristina Bratt Paulston
1979 - Herman A. Witkin, Carol Moore, Donald R. Goodenough & Patricia W. Cox
1978 - Richard J. Shavelson, Judith L. Hubner & George C. Stanton




Call for Award Nominations

AERA is now accepting nominations for the 2025 AERA Awards. The submission deadline is Wednesday, October 9, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time.