Social Justice
Social Justice

ScaleThe Social Justice program develops and supports programmatic efforts which examine issues in education research that promote diversity and equity. It encourages, enables, collects, and disseminates information and knowledge on social justice and equity issues in education research across AERA and the broader research community. In conjunction with other AERA programs and initiatives, the program engages in activities to build a diverse pool of researchers and encourage studies on equity and diversity issues in education research.  

The program coordinates the Annual Brown Lecture in Education Research, which commenced in 2004 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Brown Decision outlawing school segregation. Each year a distinguished scholar well-known for producing significant research related to equality in education is invited to give a public lecture in Washington, D.C. 

The program addresses relevant and timely issues in education research through small research conferences, workshops, and trainings. These research initiatives provide insight and attention to social justice and equity issues in the field of education. Past activities have included research workshops on K-12 race conscious school assignment, indigenous populations in education, and the state of knowledge on LGBTQ issues in education research. 

Policy Statements   


Pertinent Standing Committees