GSC Officers & Representatives
GSC Officers & Representatives



AERA Graduate Student Council 


AERA GSC 2023-2024

 The Graduate Student Council (GSC) of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) is a committee provided in the Bylaws of the AERA.

According to Article III Section 2 of the Bylaws, two graduate student representatives selected by each division, according to procedures reviewed and approved by the Association Council, shall constitute a committee known as the GSC.

All members of the GSC must be eligible Graduate Student Members at the time of their appointment and shall maintain that status throughout their term. The GSC shall plan and coordinate activities that advance the professional interests of graduate students in the Association based on policies and procedures approved by the Association Council.

Officers of the GSC shall be elected in a manner approved by the AERA Council. 



GSC Officers & Representatives Contact Information

Honey Walrond
Cammie Dawn Justus-Smith
Nicole Marie Johnson
Past Chair
Joyce Koo
Sr. Newsletter Editor
Leah Burger
Jr. Newsletter Editor
Brittany Tate
Social Media & Website Editor
Maria Heysha Carrillo Carrasquillo
Germán Jiménez, Jr.
Sr. Campus Outreach Coordinator
Hannah H. Ziegler
Jr. Campus Outreach Coordinator
Yixuan Wang
Sr. Program Chair
Marjorie M. Hahn
Jr. Program Chair


The Statement of Purpose
The Graduate Student Council has five major responsibilities: annual meeting planning, student advocacy, information dissemination, community building, and self governance.

The mission of The Graduate Student Council (GSC) is to facilitate and promote the transition from graduate student to professional researcher and/or practitioner by providing opportunities within AERA for growth, development and advancement. In addition, the Graduate Student Council seeks to help graduate students navigate the obstacles, rewards, challenges, and support networks of academic life. Further, the Graduate Student Council will carry out the mission of AERA through the research, scholarship, and professional endeavors of graduate students. For more details about the GSC, GSC activities within AERA and beyond, click on the links on the left and check out the GSC Newsletter in our Newsletters section.