List of AERA-Approved Awards (PDF)
Select a Special Interest Group (SIG) in the table below to view the SIG awards offered and the current awardees:
Select a SIGSIG - Accreditation, Assessment, and Program Evaluation in Education PreparationSIG - Action ResearchSIG - Adult Literacy and Adult EducationSIG - Advanced Studies of National DatabasesSIG - Advanced Technologies for LearningSIG - Arts and Inquiry in the Visual and Performing Arts in EducationSIG - Arts and LearningSIG - Arts-Based Educational ResearchSIG - Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Education and ResearchSIG - Bilingual Education and ResearchSIG - Caribbean and African Studies in EducationSIG - Catholic EducationSIG - Classroom AssessmentSIG - Classroom ManagementSIG - Classroom ObservationSIG - Cognition and AssessmentSIG - Complexity Theories in EducationSIG - Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and EducationSIG - Constructivist Theory, Research and PracticeSIG - Cooperative Learning: Theory, Research, and PracticeSIG - Critical Educators for Social JusticeSIG - Critical Examination of Race, Ethnicity, Class, and Gender in EducationSIG - Critical Issues in Curriculum and Cultural StudiesSIG - Critical Perspectives in Early Childhood EducationSIG - Cultural Historical ResearchSIG - Decolonial, Postcolonial, and Anti-Colonial Studies in EducationSIG - Democratic Citizenship in EducationSIG - Design and TechnologySIG - Disability Studies in EducationSIG - Districts in Research and ReformSIG - Early Education and Child DevelopmentSIG - Educational ChangeSIG - Educational StatisticiansSIG - Elliot EisnerSIG - Environmental EducationSIG - Experiential Education and Community Engagement: Scholarship and PracticeSIG - Faculty Teaching, Evaluation and DevelopmentSIG - Family, School, Community PartnershipsSIG - Fiscal Issues, Policy and Education FinanceSIG - Graduate and Postdoctoral Education across the DisciplinesSIG - Grassroots Community & Youth Organizing for Education ReformSIG - Hip Hop Theories, Praxis and PedagogiesSIG - Inclusion and Accessibility in Educational AssessmentSIG - Indigenous Peoples of the AmericasSIG - Innovative School Transformation and ReformSIG - Instructional TechnologySIG - International StudiesSIG - Ivan IllichSIG - Language and Social ProcessesSIG - Latina/o/x Research IssuesSIG - Leadership for School ImprovementSIG - Leadership for Social JusticeSIG - Learning and Teaching in Educational LeadershipSIG - Learning SciencesSIG - LiteratureSIG - Lives of TeachersSIG - Media, Culture, and LearningSIG - Mentorship and Mentoring PracticesSIG - Middle Level Education ResearchSIG - Mixed Methods ResearchSIG - Moral Development and EducationSIG - Motivation in EducationSIG - Multicultural/Multiethnic Education: Theory, Research, and PracticeSIG - Music EducationSIG - NAEP StudiesSIG - Narrative ResearchSIG - Online Teaching and LearningSIG - Organizational TheorySIG - Out-of-School TimeSIG - Philanthropy and EducationSIG - Philosophical Studies in EducationSIG - Paulo FreireSIG - Politics of EducationSIG - Problem‐Based and Project‐Based LearningSIG - Qualitative ResearchSIG - Queer StudiesSIG - Rasch MeasurementSIG - Religion and EducationSIG - Research Focus on Education and SportSIG - Research in Mathematics EducationSIG - Research in Reading and LiteracySIG - Research on EvaluationSIG - Research on Giftedness, Creativity, and TalentSIG - Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical EducationSIG - Research on Teacher InductionSIG - Research on Women and EducationSIG - Research on the SuperintendencySIG - Research UseSIG - Rural EducationSIG - School Effectiveness and School ImprovementSIG - School-University-Community Collaborative ResearchSIG - School-University Partnership ResearchSIG - Science Teaching and LearningSIG - Second Language ResearchSIG - Semiotics in Education: Signs, Meanings, and MultimodalitySIG - Social and Emotional LearningSIG - Social Studies ResearchSIG - Sociology of EducationSIG - Special and Inclusive Education ResearchSIG - Stress, Coping, and ResilienceSIG - Structural Equation ModelingSIG - Studying and Self-Regulated LearningSIG - Supervision and Instructional LeadershipSIG - Systems Thinking in EducationSIG - Teaching and Learning Research MethodsSIG - Teachers' Work/Teachers UnionsSIG - Teaching HistorySIG - Technology as an Agent of Change in Teaching and LearningSIG - Technology, Instruction, Cognition and LearningSIG - Test Validity Research and EvaluationSIG - VocabularySIG - Workplace LearningSIG - Writing and Literacies