E. F. Lindquist Award
E. F. Lindquist Award
E. F. Lindquist Award

2024 Award Recipient 

Gregory Cizek
University of North Carolina

The recipient of the 2023 E. F. Lindquist Award, presented jointly by AERA and ACT, is Dr. Gregory J. Cizek. Dr. Cizek’s innovative contributions in assessment and measurement have advanced knowledge while also informing best practices in the field. Dr. Cizek is a valuable and productive scholar with over 100 articles, books, reports, and monographs. In addition to his tremendous scholarship, Dr. Cizek has also been a model citizen of the academy, having served in countless serves roles, including as president of the National Council on Measurement in Education. In the words of his nominator, “…[H]e is one of the top scholars in the world in three different important areas. His work on cheating on tests, setting performance standards on tests, and writings on validity have all been top notch.” Bestowing the E. F. Lindquist Award upon Gregory Cizek recognizes an exceedingly worthy research scientist and signals the important contributions that assessment and measurement can make to collective knowledge in education, and moreover, humankind.

Named in honor of an outstanding scholar and researcher, this annual award is presented jointly by the American Educational Research Association and ACT in recognition of outstanding applied or theoretical research in the field of testing and measurement. The award is meant to acknowledge a body of research of an empirical, theoretical, or integrative nature rather than a single study. Although the research is not required to have led directly to improved educational practices, it should nevertheless be rich in suggestions for additional research that does hold such promise. Particular emphasis will be given to research that has advanced the companion goals of greater understanding and improved use of testing and measurement techniques. Awardees may include individuals conducting research in a broad array of disciplines, such as education and psychology. 

The winner of the award will be invited to give the E. F. Lindquist Award Lecture at the following Annual Meeting. An article emanating from the lecture will be considered for publications in the Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics

Before 1987, the Award recognized only outstanding research in college student development. In 1987 and subsequent years it acquired a broader scope of recognition.

Past Recipients

2023 - James W. Pellegrino
2022 - Daniel M. Koretz
2021 - Henry Braun
2020 - 
Randy E. Bennett
2019 - Mark R. Wilson
2018 - Charles Lewis
2017 - 
Hua-Hua Chang
2016 - Jamal Abedi
2015 - Howard Wainer
2014 - Mark D. Reckase
2013 - Eva Baker
2012 -
Edward H. Haertel
2011 - Richard J. Shavelson
2010 - Michael Kane
2009 - Wim J. van der Linden
2008 - Wendy M. Yen
2007 - Robert J. Mislevy
2006 - H.D. Hoover
2005 - Ronald K. Hambleton
2004 - Robert L. Brennan
2003 - George Madaus
2002 - Dr. William A. Mehrens
2001 - Bert F. Green, Jr.
2000 - Paul Holland
1999 - Darrel Bock
1998 - Robert Glaser
1997 - John B. Carroll
1996 - Anne Anastasi
1995 - Leonard Feldt
1994 - Samuel Messick
1993 - Robert Linn
1992 - Richard M. Jaeger
1991 - Benjamin Bloom
1990 - Melvin Novick
1989 - Robert Ebel
1988 - Frederic Lord
1987 - Robert L. Thorndike
1986 - K. Patricia Cross
1985 - Arthur Chickering
1984 - C. Robert Pace
1983 - Alexander Astin
1982 - David Reisman
1981 - William W. Turnbull
1980 - Paul Dressel
1979 - Burton Clark
1978 - Roger Heyns
1977 - T. R. McConnell
1976 - Ralph F. Berdie
1975 - William Sewell
1974 - Ralph Tyler
1973 - Theodore M. Newcomb
1972 - Wilbert J. McKeachie


Call for Award Nominations

The submission deadline for the 2025 AERA Awards was Monday, October 28, 2024, at 11:59 pm Pacific Time. Nominations are not being accepted at this time. 

Honoring 50 Years of Excellence in Education Research

ACT has written a brief honoring 50 years of the E.F. Lindquist Award. Read the brief here.