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18th Annual AERA Brown Lecture in Education Research Still Climbing the Hill: Intersectional Reflections on Brown and Beyond Lori D. Patton Educational Researcher March 53:2, 73–84
The Ties That Bind: An Examination of School-Family Relationships and Middle School Discipline in New York City Luis A. Rodriguez, Richard O. Welsh Educational Researcher March 53:2, 85–99
The Relationships Between State Higher Education Funding Strategies and College Access and Success Robert Kelchen, Justin Ortagus, Kelly Rosinger, Dominique Baker, Mitch Lingo Educational Researcher March 53:2, 100–110
How Free Market Logic Fails in Schooling—And What It Means for the Role of Government Douglas N. Harris Educational Researcher March 53:2, 111–122
Struggling to Belong: Evidence From a Survey of Youth Belonging in Public Schools Sophia Rodriguez, Gabrielle Cabrera Wy Educational Researcher March 53:2, 123–127