Scholars, students, and other users of the gallery are able to:
- See and hear annual meeting presentations in a web-based format
- Search by AERA division, SIG, or other submission units
- Look up by keyword or method
- Search an open-field box for authors, abstracts, titles, or institutions
- Reach out to authors through the gallery and send messages to schedule a live video or written chat
For Annual Meeting authors, the gallery:
- Provides a user-friendly vehicle to present their papers in a dynamic format that allows
for an overall narration as well as audio or video capture within any slide as part of their display
- Allows them to activate a chat function and also schedule a virtual session to meet up with other interested scholars
- Receive messages and/or respond to Q&A on a continuing basis throughout the year and year-to-year
- Receive a unique digital object identifier (DOI) for each presentation, which makes their work easier to discover, locate, and cite