Call for Nominations and Applications for <em>Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis</em> Editorship
Call for Nominations and Applications for Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis Editorship
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis,
Volumes 38 - 40 (2016 - 2018)
The Journal Publications Committee of the American Educational Research Association invites applications and nominations for the 2016–2018 editorship of Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (EEPA). The journal focuses on educational evaluation, educational policy analysis, and the relationship between the two activities. EEPA addresses not only theoretical and methodological issues but also the practical concerns of those engaged in the evaluation of educational enterprises and the formulation of educational policy. The journal is intended to apprise readers of current developments in educational evaluation and policy analysis, including policy development and policy implementation.

The editor or editorial team is responsible for accepting and rejecting manuscripts on the basis of the quality of the scholarly work presented and the suitability of the subject matter for EEPA, guiding manuscripts through the review process using a designated Web-based system, overseeing revisions, and planning issues. The Association provides an annual discretionary grant to directly support editorial work on the journal.

Nominees should be recognized scholars with background and interests appropriate for EEPA. Nominees should also possess managerial and organizational skills, as well as publishing/editorial experience. The Journal Publications Committee encourages applicant editors to plan for diverse editorial teams along the multiple dimensions appropriate for EEPA, AERA, and education research.

The new editor(s) will begin to receive manuscripts on July 1, 2015, and will appear on the masthead of the first published issue in the 2016 volume. Applications and nominations of others are welcome, including nominations of editorial teams. Appointment is projected to be made in early 2015.

The Journal Publications Committee encourages prompt submission of nominations so that candidates may be considered and contacted about their interest in applying. Nominees will be sent a letter of instruction on how to apply; the application deadline is December 15, 2014.

If you are interested in serving as an editor, please e-mail indicating your interest, and you will be sent a letter outlining application requirements. If you wish to nominate an editor or editorial team, please send a letter of nomination and a curriculum vitae for the candidate(s). Send all inquiries and nominations to John Neikirk, director of publications, at