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Read more about the RRE Centennial edition in December 2016's AERA Highlights.
Edited by Patricia Alexander (University of Maryland), Felice J. Levine (AERA), and William Tate (Washington University in St. Louis)
Volume 40
ISBN: 978-1-5063-7630-1
924 pages
The centennial volume of RRE takes a “retrospective, prospective” approach on a diverse range of education research topics spanning the last 100 years. While using historical trends as foundations for their chapters, the authors also look ahead to the most challenging issues and promising directions for the next century. The chapters contribute to cumulative knowledge, capture research developments and findings of sustained significance, and address research innovations anchored in their time or place, which could ultimately shape directions of scholarly promise and potential for the future. To bring conceptual cohesion to the volume, the editors nested the chapters in four thematic sections: (1) the Research Enterprise and the Doing of Education Research, (2) the Contexts of Education, (3) the Process of and Substance of Learning, (4) and the Changing Attention to Diversity and Difference.
Patricia A. Alexander, Felice J. Levine, and William F. Tate
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Nancy Beadie
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Raf Vanderstraeten, Frédéric Vandermoere, and Maarten Hermans
Amy Stuart Wells and Allison Roda
Eva L. Baker, Gregory K. W. K. Chung, and Li Cai
Larry V. Hedges, Terri D. Pigott, Joshua R. Polanin, Ann Marie Ryan, Charles Tocci, and Ryan T. Williams
Jeanne Century and Amy Cassata
David A. Gamson and Emily M. Hodge
Janelle Scott and Jennifer Jellison Holme
Catharine Biddle and Amy Price Azano
Shaun M. Dougherty and Allison R. Lombardi
Barbara Rogoff, Maureen Callanan, Kris D. Gutiérrez and Frederick Erickson
P. Karen Murphy and Stephanie L. Knight
William A. Sandoval, Jeffrey A. Greene, and Ivar Bråten
Alan H. Schoenfeld
Marcia C. Linn, Libby Gerard, Camillia Matuk, and Kevin W. McElhaney
George G. Hruby, Leslie D. Burns, Stergios Botzakis, Susan L. Groenke, Leigh A. Hall, Judson Laughter, and Richard L. Allington
David Osher, Yael Kidron, Marc Brackett, Allison Dymnicki, Stephanie Jones, and Roger P. Weissberg
Lucy E. Bailey and Karen Graves
Jennifer M. Langer-Osuna and Na’ilah Suad Nasir
Jeanne M. Powers, Gustavo E. Fischman, and David C. Berliner
Alfredo J. Artiles, Sherman Dorn, and Aydin Bal
Doris Luft Baker, Deni Lee Basaraba, and Paul Polanco
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