General Call for Handbook Proposals
General Call for Handbook Proposals

The AERA Handbook Series in Education Research 

Recurring Deadlines 
January 1
April 1
July 1
October 1

The American Educational Research Association (AERA) is pleased to announce a call for proposals for initial volumes in a new series of handbooks in education research. The handbook series will focus on major areas of inquiry within education research. The aim of this series is to publish signature volumes that offer state-of-the-art knowledge and the foundation to advance research to scholars and students in education research and related social science fields. Each volume will be designed to provide comprehensive treatment of major lines of research and the resulting knowledge base on well-defined issues or areas of inquiry in education. The handbooks will also provide an opportunity to take stock and to advance thinking about the future directions and scope of research in an arena.

The volumes in the series will be distinct from similar efforts in several respects. First, each volume will be deliberately expansive by considering research bearing on a topic both from within and outside the field of education research. Second, each handbook will draw on the strongest research irrespective of context—including from within and outside the United States. Third, each volume will assess the knowledge base and chart a research agenda attentive to the diverse populations served by contemporary educational systems. Finally, each handbook will include a critical analysis of the strengths and limitations of extant studies as well as address the essential tools and elements for research progress.

Detailed guidelines are available. Proposals for handbooks in the series may be sent to AERA at and should include the following:

  1. A prospectus statement of no more than 10 pages describing the area of research in education covered and the purposes and potential of a handbook.
  2. A detailed table of contents, including proposed chapter titles, authors, and a two- or three-sentence short description of each chapter.
  3. A substantive description of the key elements of sample chapters in the form of a detailed abstract or outline.
  4. Background on editors and authors. Vitae of the handbook editor(s) and any confirmed chapter authors. Please note that the Board is interested in seeking proposals that include contributions from emerging as well as established scholars.

Recurring deadlines for consideration of handbook proposals are January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1. The AERA Books Editorial Board welcomes proposals. For additional information and advice, please contact Vichet Chhuon, Chair of the Books Editorial Board, or Felice J. Levine, Executive Director, at