Estimating Causal Effects: Using Experimental and Observational Designs A think tank white paper prepared under the auspices of the AERA Grants Program. Key issues include Causality: Forming an Evidential Base The Logic of Causal Inference The Formal Specification of the Causal Inference Model Criteria for Making Causal Inferences Issues in the Design and Fielding of Randomized Experiments Estimating Causal Effects Using Observational DataMethods for Approximating Randomized Assignment Analysis of Large-Scale Datasets: Cases of NSF-Supported Research Authored by Barbara Schneider, Martin Carnoy, Jeremy Kilpatrick, William H. Schmidt, Richard J. Shavelson ISBN: 978 - 093530234 - 9
A think tank white paper prepared under the auspices of the AERA Grants Program. Key issues include
Authored by Barbara Schneider, Martin Carnoy, Jeremy Kilpatrick, William H. Schmidt, Richard J. Shavelson
ISBN: 978 - 093530234 - 9
Product Number: AERWECE In Stock: 2212 Member Price:: $21.95 Non-Member Price:: $26.95