November 2012 Message from the VP
November 2012 Message from the VP
VP Announcements
November 2012 

1. AERA Annual Conference 2013 Submissions.
 The Division H Program
Committee has completed it's work selecting proposals for the 2013 annual
meeting and submitting proposed sessions to AERA. Proposal submitters will
be notified of acceptances and rejections this month. Thank you to everyone
who submitted a proposal. If you have questions, contact Toni Stroter,
Program Chair ( As a reminder, the annual conference
will be April  27 (Saturday) to May 1 (Wednesday) in San Francisco.

2. Graduate Student Upcoming Activities

2a. Graduate Student (GS) Junior Representative Applications
. Each AERA
division, including Division H, appoints a representative to AERA's
Graduate Student Council (GSC). This person, called the Senior GS Rep,
attends GSC meetings and works on AERA-wide GS projects. This person also
coordinates GS activities for Division H: organizes sessions at the annual
conference (GS Orientation and Research Roundtables, Fireside Chat, GS
Poster Session),  sets up other activities at the annual meeting (GS
Reception, Coffee Mentoring), and is responsible for communication with
other graduate students throughout the year (Facebook, discussion groups,
outreach, etc.) and promoting Division H membership.

The Senior Rep is assisted by a Junior Rep, who becomes the Senior Rep the
following year. The GS Rep is thus a 2-year commitment (one as Junior Rep
and one as Senior Rep), but entails attending 3 annual AERA
conferences--the first just before becoming Junior Rep, the second as
Junior Rep, and the third as Senior Rep. Each Rep (Junior Rep-elect,
Junior Rep, and Senior Rep) receives $700 to support attendance at the
annual conference. Therefore, each Rep is supported for three successive
annual conferences.

Each year Division H selects a new Junior GS Rep-elect to fill the
position vacated when the current Junior Rep moves to the Senior Rep
position.  We will issue the call for applications for Junior GS Rep in
December. Applications will be due in February. Our current Senior Rep is
Marisa delCampo, University of Connecticut
Our current Junior Rep is Ruhan Circi, University of Colorado, Boulder

This is a wonderful opportunity for graduate students to network and
provide service to the division and to AERA as a whole. Please encourage
graduate students to apply.

2b. Research Roundtables. Each year Division H provides opportunities for
graduate students to present their work in progress and get feedback
through research roundtables conducted as part of the Graduate Student
Orientation Session the first day of the annual meeting. We will issue a
call for submissions in December. Please note that this call is separate
from the regular AERA proposal submission process and gives graduate
students an addtional opportunity to share their work at the annual

We will also need senior members of Dvision H to serve as proposal
reviewers and roundtable facilitators and discussants. Please contact me
( or our current GS Senior Rep (Marisa delCampo, if you are willing to help. Thanks.

2c. $50 Support for Graduate Students. At last year's annual conference,
Division H offered $50 support for any graduate student member of Division
H who presented a paper at any session for any division or SIG, including
our GS Research Roundtables and GS Poster Session. About 20 GS applied for
this support. We intend to continue doing this in 2013 in San Francisco. We
will remind everyone how this works as we get closer to the conference.

2d. Canpus Liaisons. Our Senior and Junior Reps will shortly begin a
renewed effort to establish liaisons at college and university campuses to
make sure GS at their instiutions know about the benefits of being a
Division H member. A number of GS volunteered at the breakfast meeting last
year. Marisa and Ruhan will be contacting you soon. They are also
looking for additional campus liaisons. Please let them know if you are

3. Publication Awards. Each year Division H gives out publication
awards--best dissertation, evaluation, research summary, training
materials, etc. The call will be issued in December. Winners are announced
at the Business Meeting/Breakfast at the annual conference.

4. Booth Modernization. Division H hosts a booth in the exhibits area at
the annual conference. This booth displays all submissions for the
Publication Awards. After the breakfast meeting, winners are prominently
displayed. We have typically had racks to display hard-copy submissions.
This year our booth committee--Jim Wohlleb (chair,
and Dan Bugler (dbugler@wested), with the assistance and  generous monetary
contribution of Glynn Ligon (past Division H VP) are planning to
modernize the booth--submissions viewed electronically (with, perhaps only
the winners in hard-copy), new banners, and a continuous-loop video.
Specifics are still being planned. If you would like to help, please
contact Jim or Dan.

5. Dissertation and Early Career Grants

5a. Jack Kent Cooke Foundation’s Dissertation Fellowship.  This program
awards four Fellowships of up to $25,000 to support advanced doctoral
candidates in a variety of fields, including education and the social
sciences. The application deadline is February 4, 2013. Additional
information is available at

5b. AERA Dissertation Grants. AERA offers a variety of dissertation
grants. For additional information go to

5c. National Academy of Education/University of Michigan Early Career 
Research Grants.
 This program will award up to 10 grants of $25,000 each to
conduct a research study using the extensive Measures of Effective Teaching
Longitudinal Database.  Eligibility for the grants program is limited to
scholars who received their doctorate after August 31, 2007.
Additional information can be accessed at Com­pleted
applications must be submitted bThe deadline is December, 15 2012, with
funding decisions announced in Janu­ary, 2013.

6. News From AERA

6a. Bullying Briefs. Our current AERA president, Bill Tierney has set up
three task forces--tenure (a reconsideration and analysis of what should
count toward tenure), non-tenured individuals (extent, conditions, and
recommended policies), and bullying. The bullying task force has completed
a series of briefs that summarize current research on a number of topics.
These are currently out  for review, but will be available soon. The Task
Force for non-tenured individuals has submitted a report to the President.

I'll provide more information about all these initiatives when it is

6b. Standards for Student Assessment. The new Standards are currently out
for final review and approval by sponsoring agencies (including AERA and
APA). The development process has been intensive, including at least two
public review rounds. I'll provide information about the final version when
it is available.

6c.  AERA Centennial. AERA's centennial is 2015-2016. AERA has begun
planning. There will probably be a series of activities including print,
video, and events at the annual conference. Division H is very interested
in the centennial since the origins of AERA lie with research and
evaluation entities in the public schools. If you are interested in helping
Division H prepare materials and events for the centennial please let me

6d. 2012 Brown Lecture. The annual Brown Lecture celebrates the Brown vs.
Board of Education decision in 1954 and illuminates the important role of
research in advancing the understanding of equality and equity in
education. Each year a distinguished scholar notable for producing
significant and sustained research related to equity and equality in
education is invited to give this public lecture in Washington DC. This
year's Brown Lecture was given by Dr. Vanessa Siddle Walker on October 25.
lt was also live-streamed to several other sites. The lecture will be
available soon on the AERA web site.

7. Job Announcements

7a. Associate Dean, West Virginia University.
 The West Virginia
University, College of Human Resources and Education is looking for an
Associate Dean for Research. The job description is at

7b. Faculty Position through NIE. The Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning
Academic Group is looking for a person with expertise in school-based
assessment, assessment of and for student learning, and assessment
leadership. Contact Christine Lee, (under "Nonclassified;
Soociate Dean #55"). For more information contact Lynne Schrum at

8.Call for Submissions, CREA Conference.  The Center for Culturally
Responsive Evaluation and Assessment (CREA) is hosting an inaugura
conference conference, entitled “Repositioning Culture in Evaluation and
Assessment,” on April 21-23, 2013 in Chicago. Proposals are due November 9,
2012. Access the submission management system from the conference website: