Division H - October 2016
Division H - October 2016
Message from Division VP

October 2016

Reviewers Needed for the 2017 Division H Outstanding Publications Competition

Greetings from the 2017 Outstanding Publications Committee!  This committee solicits submissions and coordinates the review and awards process, with winners announced at the AERA Division H breakfast and nationally.  And every year, we depend on generous volunteers like YOU to serve as peer reviewers for the outstanding publications competition.  Typically, reviewers will be assigned just 3 or 4 papers to read, so please consider serving.  Keep in mind it’s a nice thing to add to your CV!  Please click on this link to let us know you are willing to review!  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/S2MVTW8  

District-University Collaboration

Division H wants to highlight district-university collaboration at the 2017 AERA conference in San Antonio! If you know or have been part of a successful and mutually-beneficial district-university collaboration effort (e.g., graduate student internship), please send an email to Beth at divisionh.graduatestudents@gmail.com and tell us more!

New Books by Division H Member

First Aid for Teacher Burnout: How You Can Find Peace and Success, by AERA Division H member Dr. Jenny Rankin, was just released this month. The book is published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis (main sponsor of the 2016 AERA Annual Meeting) and is available at https://www.amazon.com/First-Aid-Teacher-Burnout-Success/dp/1138655473/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8

Engaging & Challenging Gifted Students: Tips for Supporting Extraordinary Minds in Your Classroom, by AERA Division H member Dr. Jenny Rankin, was just released this month. The book, which addresses gifted assessment and offers ways data can be used to help gifted children, is published by ASCD and is available at https://www.amazon.com/Engaging-Challenging-Gifted-Students-Extraordinary/dp/1416623345/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8