The Outstanding Publications Competition (OPC) Committee is happy to announce the 2025 competition will be opening soon—please consider submitting your work!
see the information shown below the 2024 award winners to get the details on this year’s division h outstanding publications competition.
title (links forthcoming)
fernanda a. castellón
alexandra sturm
connie kasari
anisa rhea
(data, research, and accountability
department for wake county public
school system)
category 4: assessment and accountability
chester holland
akisha osei sarfo
brian garcia
and ray hart
(council of the great city schools)
category 5: outstanding dissertation
category 6:
communicating research, accountability, evaluation, and/or assessment to lay audiences
j. s. puller
elaine m. allensworth
camille farrington
vanessa gutiérrez
shelby mahaffie
jenny nagaoka
shanette porter
alex seeskin
w. david stevens
marisa de la torre
alexandra usher
(university of chicago consortium on school research)
you can use the link to submit your publication. the deadline for submissions is midnight est december 31, 2023.
amy k. clark
megan mulvihill
jennifer kobrin
w. jake thompson
baeksan yu
henrik zachrisson
rosa cheesman
eivind ystrom
ragnhild bang nes
violet ford
beth holland
beth rabbitt
not enough submissions this year
cnurturing concern for others in adolescents: a study of empathy, compassion, and prosocial behavior
serena halstead
julie molique
mellisa smith
spencer ziegler
AERA Division H Outstanding Publications Competition Webinar: What’s New for 2024?
AERA Division H Outstanding Publications Competition Webinar
October 3, 2023