Division H
Division H
Message from Division VP

Greetings from Division H VP
Virginia Snodgrass Rangel

As the new Division H VP, I am excited to welcome all Division H members to another great year. Division H is committed to supporting and spotlighting high quality research related to program evaluation, accountability, and assessment. Our members hail from many areas, including school districts, state agencies, nonprofits, research and assessment companies, and universities, and from all over the world. We are confident you will find that Division H is a good home for you and your work, too.

Throughout the year, we offer opportunities for members to engage in learning, mentoring, and other forms of service. Keep an eye on our website, social media accounts, and the listserv to learn more.

As we jump into planning for the 2025 annual AERA meeting in Denver, CO, we are looking forward to working with and learning from our members to achieve the following goals this year:

  • Serve our members’ and meet their needs for professional learning and community
    • Build on past traditions and events
    • Work with committees to identify members’ needs and opportunities to meet those needs
  • Grow our membership among practitioners and researchers whose work focuses on applied research, evaluation, assessment, and accountability
    • Work with committees to identify opportunities to recruit and engage new members
  • Ensure Division H is a welcoming and inclusive space for diverse voices and experiences
    • Work to diversify committee leadership and division membership
    • Design all processes and events to be inclusive

Whether you are new to Division H or a returning member, you are welcome here. We have lots of opportunities to volunteer with the division and I hope we will hear from you. You may reach out to me with your questions or ideas: AERAdivisionH@gmail.com

I want to thank all our volunteers and our past division leaders for their support and commitment. Division H only exists because of their continued efforts.