Division H Officers 2023-24
Vice-President (2023-2025) Virginia Snodgrass Rangel University of Houston vrangel4@central.uh.edu
Secretary (2023– 2024) Jennifer Whitson jennifer.whitson@acps.k12.va.us
Immediate Past Secretary (2023-2024) Rachel E. Durham rdurham@ndm.edu
Immediate Past Vice-President (2023-2024) Bradley J. McMillan bmcmillen@wcpss.net
Historian Mary Yakimowski yakimowski@aol.com
Our bylaws were first developed during 2004-2005, received full approval at the 2005 Annual Breakfast Meeting and received full approval by the AERA Council at its April 2006 meeting.
We have developed a handbook for our membership. Below you will find each section of the handbook.