Division H Officers 2024-25
Vice-President (2023-2026) Virginia Snodgrass Rangel University of Houston vrangel4@central.uh.edu
Secretary (2024– 2026) Colleen Graham Paeplow cpaeplow@wcpss.net
Immediate Past Secretary (2023-2024) Rachel E. Durham rdurham@ndm.edu
Immediate Past Vice-President (2023-2024) Bradley J. McMillan bmcmillen@wcpss.net
Historian Mary Yakimowski yakimowski@aol.com
W. Christopher Brandt is an Associate at the National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment, Inc., where he works with state and local education leaders to design, implement, and evaluate their assessment and accountability practices. Chris is also a What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) – certified reviewer who has held leadership and technical advisory roles on a range of impact and implementation studies of educational interventions.
Our bylaws were first developed during 2004-2005, received full approval at the 2005 Annual Breakfast Meeting and received full approval by the AERA Council at its April 2006 meeting.
We have developed a handbook for our membership. Below you will find each section of the handbook.