
Name and Purpose of the Division

The American Educational Research Association (AERA; herein also called “Association”) is a professional membership organization that strives to improve the educational process by encouraging scholarly inquiry related to education. Division H, Research, Evaluation, & Assessment in Schools, supports members’ interests relative to conducting applied research and evaluation studies and/or assessment and accountability activities in PreK-12 settings. Division H is committed to supporting scholarly presentations and publications; providing opportunities for professional growth and recognitions; enhancing communication, outreach, and networking among members; and, improving the capacity of the profession to enhance the public good.



A. Membership Eligibility

Individuals may select membership in Division H provided they are members of the Association. A particular focus of the division is that it is designed for those interested in applied research and evaluation studies and/or assessment and accountability activities in PreK-12 settings.

B.     Membership Dues

         Each member shall pay annual membership dues in accordance with the bylaws, policies and practices of the Association.



The elected officers of the Division shall be the Vice President and Secretary. Only voting members of the AERA may hold elective office as dictated by the Bylaws of the American Educational Research Association.

A.      Terms of Office

1.      The term of office of the Vice President shall be three years [or modified as designated within the Bylaws of the American Educational Research Association][3].  The Vice President will be the division’s representative on the Council, the governing body of the Association.

2.      The term of office of the Secretary shall be two years [or modified as designated within theBylaws of the American Educational Research Association].

3.      The Vice President may be re-elected but shall not be eligible to serve two consecutive terms [or modified as designated within the Bylaws of the American Educational Research Association].

4.      The Secretary may be re-elected only once and may serve two consecutive terms [or modified as designated within the Bylaws of the American Educational Research Association].

5.      Terms of office shall begin the day following the close of the Association Annual Meeting [or modified as designated within the Bylaws of the American Educational Research Association].

6.      If a Vice President or Secretary is not able to take office within one month of the Annual Meeting the positions shall be filled as specified below.

B.      Appointment of Replacement

1.      If the Vice President is not able to complete a term of office, the President of the American Educational Research Association shall appoint a replacement to serve in the position until the next ballot. At that time a replacement will be elected to serve out the remainder of the term [or modified as designated within the Bylaws of the American Educational Research Association]. Council will refer to Division leadership for recommendations.

2.      If the Secretary is unable to complete a term of office, the Vice President of Division H shall appoint a replacement to serve until the next ballot. At that time a replacement will be elected to serve out the remainder of the term [or modified as designated within the Bylaws of the American Educational Research Association].

C.     Duties

The Vice President shall:

a.      Call and conduct the annual business meeting of the division held in conjunction with the Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association;

b.      Represent Division H and its members’ interests as a full voting member at Council meetings; [4]

c.      Communicate the perspective and on-going needs of Division H to the Council, Executive Committee, the Association’s Executive Officer, and the Association’s designated staff members;

d.      Represent Division H and its interests by acting as liaison to other divisions of the organization, Special Interest Group (SIG) Council, and other educational organizations and institutions;

e.      Provide an annual report on the status of the division to the membership in the Educational Researcher through the Executive Office of the Association;

f.       Develop and monitor the financial budget of the division;

g.      Deliver and publish a Vice Presidential Address, usually in the final year of term [or modified as designated within the Bylaws of the American Educational Research Association];

h.      Make all appointments to Division H-designated committees, including the division’s representative to the Association’s Affirmative Action Committee and Graduate Student Councils.

i.       Serve as an ex officio member of all Division H committees;

j.       Serve as chair of the Vice President’s Executive Leadership and the Vice President’s Leadership Committees;

k.      Serve as the Council liaison to the Association committee(s) as designated by the President;

l.       As requested, make recommendations for appointments for Association committees or awards;

m.     Facilitate the involvement of other members of the division such as through the Vice President’s Executive Leadership and the Leadership Committees and through other methods as deemed appropriate;

n.      Be responsible for activities that will further Division H’s goals of supporting scholarly presentations and publications; providing opportunities for professional growth and recognitions; enhancing communication, outreach, and networking among members; and improving the capacity of the profession to enhance the public good;

o.      Keep the membership informed on an on-going basis of these divisional and Association activities by means of the newsletter and other available communication channels;

p.      Uphold and support the various policies of the Association including its Affirmative Action goals;

q.      Transfer applicable records and information to the incoming Vice President; and

r.       Continue to serve on the Immediate Past Vice President through service on the Incoming Vice President’s Executive Committee, Chair of the Nominations Committee, and through other means as requested by the Incoming Vice President.

The Secretary shall:

a.      Take minutes and publish these minutes from the annual business and leadership meetings of the Division;

b.      Maintain and transfer Division records to the incoming secretary; 

c.      Serve as assistant chair for the Vice President’s Executive Leadership and the Vice President’s Leadership Committees;

d.      Serve as special liaison to Division H Committees as designated by the Vice President with appointment done in consultation with the Secretary;

e.      Provide on-going assistance to all committee chairs and assistants;

f.       Serve in the lead role in organizing the logistics associated with the annual business meeting including working with the Vice President on the agenda, and ensuring availability and presentation of certificates of recognition, special gifts, and other applicable items;

g.      Develop draft communications such as letters of committee appointments and appreciation on behalf of the Vice President;

h.      Update the Division H Leadership Handbook on an annual basis with publication to the membership such as through the posting on the website and through other means by September of each year;

i.       Perform other duties as assigned by the Vice President that will further Division H’s goals of supporting scholarly presentations and publications, providing opportunities for professional growth and recognitions; enhancing communication, outreach, and networking among members; and improving the capacity of the profession to enhance the public good;

j.       Support the Vice President’s efforts to keep the membership informed on an on-going basis of the divisional and Association activities;

k.      Uphold and support the various policies of the Association including its affirmative action goals;

l.       Transfer applicable records and information to the Incoming Secretary; and

m.     Continue to serve on the Vice President’s Executive Committee as Immediate Past Secretary.



In addition to elected officers, the division’s leadership is shared through committee structures. Division H shall sponsor committees for Nominations and Affirmative Action, and appoint a representative to the Graduate Student Council and Affirmative Action Committee of the Association [or modified as designated within the Bylaws of the American Educational Research Association].

The Vice President, to ensure broader involvement in decision-making, shall have Vice President’s Executive and Vice President’s Leadership Committees. Unless otherwise noted within the Association’s general bylaws, other committees may be established, retired, designated “standing” or “ad hoc” by action of the Vice President.

Each year the Vice President shall solicit volunteers for service on the various committees, whether required by the Association or convened to support the division’s goals. Broad committee representation shall be sought. The Vice President shall serve on each committee as an ex officio member. The Vice President may appoint the Secretary as a special ex officio to one or more committees.

Implementation of the responsibilities of the committees will generally be facilitated by a chair and assistant(s). It shall be at the discretion of the Vice President to make modifications to this structure to meet identified needs. For example, the Newsletter Advisory Committee may be facilitated by an individual appointed as the Newsletter Editor as opposed to an individual identified to serve as “chair”. Terms will generally be one-year (May-April with May/June serving as transition period) and may be renewable. Chairs may seek members but all appointments shall be approved by the Vice President.

A. General Responsibilities of All Committees

All committees shall be responsible for providing an annual written report to the Vice President and Secretary which shall, in turn, be disseminated to the membership at the annual business meeting and through other venues. Additionally, all committee chairs and assistants shall assist with updating the applicable section of the Handbook [5]and providing information that may be sought by the Association staff or its committees (such as through the Affirmative Action or SAGE Committees).

B.      Vice President’s Executive Committee

         1.      Areas of Responsibility

                  a.         Serve as an informal yet on-going advisory group to the Vice President;

                  b.         Offer suggestions and/or provide feedback on activities that will further the goals of Division H including supporting scholarly presentations and publications; providing opportunities for professional growth and recognitions; enhancing communication, outreach, and networking among members; and improving the capacity of the profession to enhance the public good.

         2.      Membership [6]

      Vice President, Immediate Past Vice President, Secretary, Immediate Past Secretary, and Incoming Vice President (when one has been elected), the Program Chair, and the Affirmative Action Committee Chair. The Vice President shall be chair of the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall serve as Assistant Chair. In the absence of either, the Immediate Past Vice President or Immediate Past Secretary will assist. 

C.      Vice President’s Leadership Committee

         1.      Areas of Responsibility

                  a.         Serve as an informal yet on-going advisory group to the Vice President;

                  b.         Offer suggestions and/or provide feedback on activities that will further the goals of Division H including supporting scholarly presentations and publications; providing opportunities for professional growth and recognitions; enhancing communication, outreach, and networking among members; and improving the capacity of the profession to enhance the public good.

                  c.         Provide on-going information of respective committee’s work through the newsletter, web postings, Handbook updates, Annual Breakfast Business Meeting, and other venues.

                  d.         Attend and participate in the Annual Breakfast Business Meeting held in conjunction with the Association’s annual conference.

                  e.         Review and make suggested modifications to the Bylaws at least once during the tenure of each Vice President.

                  f.          Meet at least once each year, usually during the Association’s annual conference meeting held in conjunction with the Association’s annual conference. The meeting shall be open to all members with advance notice provided. Those seeking to serve in leadership capacities in the future are especially encouraged to attend this meeting. This meeting shall be affectionately called the “movers and shakers” gathering.

                  g.         Review on an annual basis the nature and quality of all Division H activities and receive information on the activities of the Association’s Council.

         2.      Membership

      All members of the Vice President’s Executive Committee; all chairs of committees. At the discretion of the Vice President, applicable assistant chairs may also participate. The Vice President shall be chair of the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall serve as Assistant Chair. In the absence of either, the Program Chair or Newsletter Editor will assist. 

D.      Other Committees

         Though not inclusive, among the Division H committees which may exist are those as noted.

         1.      Program Committee. To provide oversight for the development of scholarly Division H Program conducted as part of the Association’s annual conference and support general efforts of the Association’s program.

         2.      Affirmative Action Committee. To embrace the affirmative action mission and goal statements of the Association, implement activities in support of facilitating outreach efforts within Division H, promote and monitor diversity in division activities, and represent the division on the Association’s Affirmative Action Council.


         3.      Graduate Student Committee. To provide outreach and support to graduate student members of the division by implementing and communicating activities developed to meet their specialized needs and represent the division on the Association’s Graduate Student Council.


         4.      Mentoring for Early Career and Graduating Student Committee. To implement activities designed to provide outreach and support to Division H members who are entering or have newly entered an applied research setting.


         5.      International Relations Advisory Committee. To implement activities designed to provide outreach between Division H’s international members and those in the United States who are interested in applied research and program evaluation studies and/or assessment and accountability activities in PreK-12 settings.


         6.      Membership Committee. To implement activities designed to reach out and inform individuals about the many benefits of membership in Division H with the hope of recruiting and maintaining members.


         7.      Reality Test Newsletter Editor and Advisory Committee. To support Division H’s communication efforts by producing a minimum of four newsletters with information about the division and articles of interest to the membership. 


         8.      Web Site Committee. To support Division H’s communication efforts by providing and updating information about the division and of interest to the membership using technology such as the website. 


         9.      Annual Breakfast Business Meeting Committee. To facilitate the outreach and networking goals of the division by scheduling and facilitating the Annual Breakfast Business Meeting of Division H to occur at the Association’s annual conference.  


         10.     Social Reception Committee. To assist with recognizing the networking goals of the division by scheduling and facilitating the social reception held in conjunction with the Association’s annual conference.


         11.     Outstanding Publications Competition Committee. To facilitate the annual Outstanding Publications Competition including the dissemination of the Call for Submissions, development of rating criteria, determination and oversight of the judging process, and announcement and display of award recipients designed to support Division H’s efforts to recognize high standards within applied research settings.


         12.     Exhibits Booth Committee. To embrace the division’s goal of providing professional recognition by facilitating the displaying of submissions to the Outstanding Publications Competition  along with other pertinent literature at an exhibits booth at the Association’s annual conference. 


         13.     Outstanding Presentations and Discussants Awards Committee.  To facilitate the Outstanding Presentations and Discussants Awards Competition including the development and dissemination of the process and rating criteria, oversight of the judging process, and announcement and recognition of award recipients designed to support Division H’s efforts to recognize high standards in reporting research at the Division H Program conducted as part of the Association’s annual conference. .


  1. . To ensure that the Association’s bylaw requirements are met in soliciting advice, nominating, and obtaining nominee agreement to serve and thereby providing a recommended slate of officers for Division H which support the affirmation action goals of the Association. The chair is to be the Immediate Past Vice President and other members selected in consultation with previous past leadership of the division.


Business Meeting

Division H shall hold an annual business meeting, preferably in conjunction with a breakfast, during the Association’s annual conference. The time and location of the meeting shall be listed in the annual meeting program and all Division H members and those interested in becoming members shall be invited to attend. The Vice President and Secretary shall also announce this meeting through additional avenues such as the newsletter. During the business meeting, members of the Vice President’s Leadership Committee shall report to the membership. Special recognitions and gifts may be presented. Members in attendance shall be considered a quorum. 



 A.     Initial Adoption

Drafts of the initial bylaws shall be distributed to the Vice President’s Executive and Leadership Committees, individuals on the fall 2004 nominations slate, and other individuals selected by the Vice President.

A draft incorporating suggested modifications from the above-noted individuals shall be disseminated through the fall 2004 newsletter.

The initial review and “informal” approval of the bylaws shall be sought via e-mail to all members during the late fall/ early winter of 2004.

Formal approval will be sought at the 2005 business meeting. The bylaws shall be deemed approved by a simple majority of those present (i.e., a quorum) at the 2005 business meeting voting in favor of the document.

B.      Amendments

The approved bylaws may be amended by simple majority at subsequent annual business meetings, provided such amendment(s) including rationale for change(s) are submitted to the Vice President and Vice President’s Executive Committee by electronic notification at least five weeks prior for review. Upon review of this committee, such amendment(s) including rationale for change(s) are to be submitted to the membership by electronic notification at least two weeks prior to the annual business meeting.



No Officer or member of a committee shall be liable to the Association, or any member, or any other person or persons from any claim of any character resulting from any actions taken or any failure to take action in good faith and believed by them to be authorized by these bylaws or within their discretion or rights or powers conferred upon them by these bylaws. Each of these individuals shall be indemnified by the Association against expenses actually and necessarily incurred in connection with the defense of any action, or proceeding in which he or she is made a party by reason of his or her being or having been in this designated role of responsibility. 





Date of formal approval by Division: April, 2005

Date of anticipated approval from Council: April, 2006

Date of review for modifications to initial bylaws: April 2009

These Bylaws are considered to be a supplemental document which is superceded by the corporate Bylaws of AERA and may not conflict in substance with them or policies enacted by the AERA Council or Executive Committee.

Division H acknowledges the contribution of American Educational Research Association (AERA), Division A of AERA, the Special Interest Group Council of AERA, the American Association of American Law Schools, the National Association of Test Directors, and the University of Wisconsin at LaCross whose bylaws or related materials were used to develop the initial draft bylaw document for Division H.

Information about terms and tenure of officers is dictated by what is within the Bylaws of the American Educational Research Association. Phrasing within the AERA Division H Bylaws is noted to ensure that this document is dynamic. Should the full membership approve changes to the Bylaws of the American Educational Research Association, Division H changes will be deemed automatic and not require a review and formal approval process to this supplemental document.

Though not required, the Vice President should strongly consider leadership roles on the Executive Council or on the Vice Presidents’ planning committee and thereby have another vehicle to represent the division.

The term “Handbook” is used to describe a document initially developed in 1990, and then under re-development in the summer/fall of 2004 and called A Handbook for the Division’s Leadership and Committee Members. Though initially recommended in 1990, it is the hope that this document will be dynamic and be updated on an annual basis so that pertinent information may be shared and maintained for historical and reference purposes. The Handbook supplements these bylaws and incorporates general information such as recommended timelines, past chairs, current committee members, communication records, and other information deemed pertinent.

At the discretion of the Vice President, additional individuals previously serving in the capacity of Vice President may be added to this committee.