UConn is currently accepting applications for the online Graduate Certificate in Program Evaluation. Advantages of the Online Graduate Certificate in Program Evaluation include: (i) ASYNCHRONOUS WEEKLY LEARNING MODULES. You can complete the weekly work anytime, anywhere in the world; (ii) SMALL CLASSES. Each cohort is capped at 30 students; (iii) CONNECTION AND COLLABORATION. The interactive assignments are designed specifically to foster an evaluation community among students; and (iv) FAST TRACK. The entire Certificate in Program Evaluation can be completed in just over a year. To be considered for the spring 2017 cohort (max 30 people), get your application in by Friday, December 2 @ 11:59 pm EST. More information about the program can be found at http://progeval.uconn.edu/. And, questions can be directed to Bianca Montrosse-Moorhead, Program Coordinator of the Graduate Certificate in Program Evaluation (bianca@uconn.edu).
The Outstanding Publications Committee is making its final call to request volunteer reviewers for the 2017 competition. Each year, we depend on generous volunteers like you to serve as peer reviewers. Typically, reviewers will be assigned just 3 or 4 papers to read, so please consider completing the volunteer survey today! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/S2MVTW8
Hi everyone,
Our next - and final - webinar about the Teacher Data Use Survey will take place this Friday (11/4) at noon CDT. This one is about communicating results you get from the TDUS - including a set of free Excel tools that can help you in analyzing the TDUS data. It's the 4th part of a 4-part series, but if you didn't attend some of the earlier ones, don't let that stop you - you can jump into this series any time. And, the firtst three will be archived and up soon, so you can go back and watch them. Here's the link to register and attend: http://relappalachia.org/events/teacher-data-use-survey-webinar-series/. Thanks and hope to see you there!!