Division H - January 2017
Division H - January 2017
Message from Division VP

January 2017

Call for Graduate Student In-Progress Research Roundtables

It's time for graduate students to submit proposals to present their research-in-progress at our yearly Research Roundtables. The Roundtables take place at the Annual Meeting (Thursday, April 27th in the morning) in San Antonio.

Proposals due March 13. More information can be found here.

Accepted submitters will present at the Research Roundtables. Several related papers will be presented for discussion at each roundtable. Tables are facilitated by veteran Division H members. 

Graduate students, please submit proposals to our Senior and Junior Graduate Student Representatives--Beth Adams and Ross Anderson--at DivisionH.GraduateStudents@gmail.com
Veteran Division H'ers, please let us know if you would be interested in sharing your expertise with developing researchers at our roundtables on the morning of April 27th. Please email DivisionH.GraduateStudents@gmail.com and specify your area of specialization (i.e., assessment, accountability, program evaluation, applied research in schools).

Also, let others know about these opportunities!

2017 Division H Outstanding Publications Competition

The call for submissions is here and the blank submission form is here. Rachel Durham and Jennifer Whitson are co-chairing the work of the 2017 Outstanding Publication Competition Committee. If you have any questions, please contact Rachel at (410) 516-4936 or by email at rdurham@jhu.edu, or Jennifer by e-mail at jennifer.whitson@acps.k12.va.us.

Invitation to AERA Division H webinar on Developing Indicators for School Accountability under ESSA (Feb. 2, 4-5:30 EST)

Login information:

Join WebEx meeting
Meeting number (access code): 738 725 657      
Host key: 427944         
Meeting password:        38xR2paD        

Join by phone:  

1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)  
Global call-in numbers 

Webinar Description: The purpose of this 90-minute webinar on February 2 (4-5:30 EST) is to provide Division H members with an overview of the key school accountability and reporting requirements under ESSA, and to give participants an opportunity to grapple with the key considerations and research supporting selection of measures and indicators. While broadly applicable to all of the indicators under ESSA, special attention will be given to the indicator of school quality or student success (a.k.a., the “fifth” indicator). This webinar is intended to be an introduction to the content that will be discussed more deeply in the Division H pre-conference course at AERAentitled: Re-imagining School Accountability under ESSA: Opportunities and Challenges for Evaluating School Quality and Student Success. (April 27, 8 am - 3 pm).  The webinar and PD course are organized and supported by the Div. H Professional Development Committee.

About the Leaders:
Dr. Susan Lyons is an associate with the Center for Assessment where her current work centers on promoting and evaluating the quality of assessments, accountability systems, and educator evaluation. Dr. Lyons is actively involved in supporting states as they transition their assessment and accountability systems under the Every Student Succeeds Act through her work with state technical advisory committees and accountability work groups, and partnerships with organizations such as the Council for Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and foundations.

Dr. Katie Buckley is the Director of Research and Assessment at Transform Education (TransformEd), where she is responsible for developing the organization’s research agenda, managing research and evaluation studies, and identifying and validating existing and new assessments of social-emotional skills. Given Dr. Buckley’s policy background, she meets regularly with state and local staff to offer guidance on incorporating measures of students’ social emotional skills into accountability systems, public reporting and formative uses. 

Division H - Call for Junior Representatives for 2017-2019

AERA Division H is seeking applicants for the AERA Division H Graduate Student Junior Representative position. Please consider applying if you are a graduate student or encouraging others to apply. This is an excellent opportunity for graduate students who will be enrolled in graduate school through April 2019. Applications are due February 20th. If you have questions, please contact the current Senior Representative Beth Adams at elgreive@ncsu.edu. Applications can be found here.

Invitation to Join Classroom Observation SIG

The Classroom Observation SIG aims to exchange ideas, information, and tools related to conducting observations in educational settings.  We invite you to join us as we continue to build our vibrant community of evaluators, researchers, educators, and others interested in improving this vital method of educational research. Our 2017 sessions will include studies addressing multiple content areas, learning environments, student populations, and observation protocols in both paper and roundtable sessions. We hope you will join the Classroom Observation SIG and we look forward to seeing you at AERA 2017 in San Antonio!

Division H Professional Development - AERA pre-conference course

PDC10: Reimagining School Accountability under ESSA: Opportunities and Challenges for Evaluating School Quality and Student Success

This course provides researchers with development on the accountability and reporting requirements under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and gives participants an opportunity to grapple with the key considerations and research supporting the selection of measures and indicators. The course will begin with discussion of the importance of an educational vision and theory of action for indicators to meet accountability requirements. While broadly applicable to all of the indicators under ESSA, special attention will be given to the indicator of school quality or student success (a.k.a., the “fifth” indicator). This indicator presents an opportunity to define and operationalize school quality and reporting in an accountability system. Scholarships are available for the first 25 people who register for in person attendance.

Call for Proposals - Classroom Assessment Conference

From September 12-14, 2017, the National Council for Measurement in Education (NCME) will host a conference on the confluence of classroom assessment and large-scale psychometrics and related disciplines. Historically, different assessment perspectives regarding classroom assessment have operated in isolation. The purpose of this conference is to bring together the many voices and perspectives of experts and practitioners of assessment in order to improve student learning. More information can be found here.

