2024 AERA Fellows
2024 AERA Fellows

The AERA Fellows Program honors outstanding education scholars, promotes excellence in education research as an interdisciplinary scholarship, and inspires emerging scholars to value sustained research achievements.

Click the name to jump to each fellow's citation of accomplishment and introductory video. 

Bruce Baker, University of Miami

Dr. Bruce Baker is one of the preeminent scholars in school finance, significantly influencing how researchers and policymakers consider the adequacy and fairness of state funding systems through his research, his legal testimony, and his public outreach. A recipient of numerous prestigious honors and awards, he is Professor and Chair of the University of Miami’s Department of Teaching and Learning in its School of Education and Human Development. Dr. Baker has authored five books, including Educational Inequality and School Finance: Why Money Matters for America’s Students, examining the impact of school funding on outcomes in general and on equity in particular. He created the School Finance Indicators Database, used by researchers nationwide to assess state school finance systems and to model improved federal funding formulas. Dr. Baker has spent decades fighting for more equitable school funding, reshaping the field of school finance in terms of policy and practice, and pushing the boundaries and nature of the knowledge-building dialogue.

Megan Bang, Northwestern University

Citation and video not available. To learn more about Megan Bang, visit Northwestern University's website.


Alan Daly, University of California, San Diego

Dr. Alan Daly’s groundbreaking work in the field of social networks in education has earned him international renown as a scholar of educational policy, leadership, and improvement. He charted an influential path by publishing “Social Network Theory and Educational Change” in 2010, and his research has continued to push the field’s envelope, including through his coauthored AERA book, “Thinking and Acting Systemically: Improving School Districts Under Pressure.” Dr. Daly’s work, borne out of his experience as a public school educator, includes over 100 articles in top peer-reviewed journals, yielding novel insights on how networks of teachers shape educational reform and student achievement. He is a professor at the University of California San Diego’s Department of Education Studies and founder of the Social Opportunity Space Network Lab, which supports knowledge mobilization between equity-focused agencies and users. Dr. Daly’s work has contributed critical insights into the relationships between leadership, organizations, and accountability.

Elizabeth Davis, University of Michigan

Dr. Elizabeth Davis is an internationally recognized scholar who has advanced our understanding of how elementary teachers engage in consequential and equitable science teaching, and how science curriculum materials, teacher education, and educational systems enhance teacher learning. A recipient of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists from the White House in 2002, she is a professor of science education at the University of Michigan’s School of Education. Dr. Davis’s educative curriculum materials are considered foundational tools in the field. Her work through the National Science Foundation-funded project Advancing, Supporting, and Sustaining Equity among Elementary Teachers of Science examines how elementary teachers promote equity and justice in science education, and how teacher education strengthens engagement. She has authored over 50 peer-reviewed journal articles and four books, and advised the National Academies of Sciences’ Board on Science Education on implementing the Framework for K–12 Science Education. Dr. Davis’s distinguished career embodies her deep commitment to improving science education for teachers and students.

Patricia Edwards, Michigan State University

Dr. Patricia Edwards is a leading public intellectual whose work on family engagement and the literacy development of students of color has had far-reaching impact. A professor at Michigan State University, Dr. Edwards has published extensively, authoring 8 books, 56 book chapters, and 52 articles. She served as president of two key literary organizations, the Literacy Research Association and the International Literacy Association. She has also garnered national acclaim for authoring two programs—"Parents as Partners in Reading: A Family Literacy Training Program” and “Talking Your Way to Literacy: A Program to Help Nonreading Parents Prepare Their Children for Reading’’—which have been used in initiatives such as Head Start and Even Start. Her numerous awards and honors include the AERA Scholars of Color Distinguished Career Contribution Award in 2019. Dr. Edwards has advanced our understanding of how the contributions of families and communities can be encouraged and enhanced to actively engage children in literacy learning.

A. Lin Goodwin, Boston College

Dr. A. Lin Goodwin is a pioneer in Asian American education and a leading national and international researcher in teacher education, committed to training inclusive, equity-minded, and culturally responsive educators to serve minoritized learners. She was one of the first U.S. researchers to study teacher preparation for diverse learners, and is devoted to ensuring that marginalized youth can access curricular materials that are culturally relevant, meaningful, and rigorous. Dr. Goodwin is the Thomas More Brennan Endowed Professor of Education at Boston College’s Lynch School of Education and Human Development. Her mentorship of scholars was recognized by a Spencer Foundation Mentor Award, and she received three Teacher Quality Partnership grants from the U.S. Department of Education to support the Teacher Residency at Teachers College. She also received the AERA Division K Legacy Award in 2023. Dr. Goodwin’s research on preparing teachers for urban and diverse classrooms has transformed our understanding and influenced practice and policy concerning teaching and teacher education.

Jeffrey Greene, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

Dr. Jeffrey Greene’s exceptional scholarship has expanded our understanding of how students self-regulate their learning in digital contexts and evaluate the quality of the information they receive. His co-editorship of The Handbook of Epistemic Cognition established him as the leading expert in the field. He is an elected Fellow of the American Psychological Association’s Division 15 and received the division’s Award for Early Career Contributions in Educational Psychology in 2016. Dr. Greene currently serves as the McMichael Distinguished Professor of Education at the University of North Carolina’s School of Education and has received more than 8 million dollars in outside grants for research projects. He has published over 70 articles in leading journals, authored three books, co-edits Educational Psychologist, and cohosts the APA Division 15 podcast “Emerging Research in Educational Psychology.” Dr. Greene’s body of work on self-regulation and epistemic cognition has substantially impacted educational psychology both nationally and internationally.

Rochelle Gutiérrez, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Dr. Rochelle Gutiérrez is a nationally and internationally distinguished scholar and teacher who has played a critical role in expanding our knowledge of how race, class, language, sociopolitical issues, and gender impact the teaching and learning of mathematics. Her current focus on "rehumanizing mathematics" aims to extend math beyond STEM fields and to improve math teachers’ political knowledge. A professor at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign’s College of Education, Dr. Gutiérrez is committed to investigating and addressing inequities in math education that affect Latinx, Black, and Indigenous students. She was co-founder of the AERA Special Interest Group on Socio-Political Issues in Mathematics and Science Education. She has also received sizable grants from major organizations including the National Science Foundation and the Spencer Foundation. Dr.  Gutiérrez has enriched the field with her trailblazing research on equity issues in math education, and through her collaboration with colleagues worldwide to support faculty and students of color.

Ilana Horn, Vanderbilt University

Dr. Ilana Horn is a distinguished scholar of teacher education and how teachers navigate social and policy contexts in classroom and school environments in the U.S. Her pioneering analytical approach highlights the factors that shape collective teacher learning and how teachers interpret reforms on district, state, and national levels. A professor of mathematics education in Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of Education and Human Development, Dr. Horn has published three books and 38 articles in top-ranked academic journals, expanding our understanding of how the teaching of mathematics shapes student engagement and performance. She views teaching and teacher education through a racial lens while considering teacher learning within a school setting. Dr. Horn chairs the U.S. Commission on Mathematics Instruction and is a fellow of the International Society of the Learning Sciences. Her teaching background has informed Dr. Horn’s approach to studying educators in their professional environment, fueling her passion to make the teaching profession more just, humanizing, and equitable for teachers and students.

Jerlando F.L. Jackson, Michigan State University

Dr. Jerlando Jackson is an accomplished scholar on race and gender in academia and on students of color in STEM fields, whose work has elevated the importance of Black men in higher education. Dean of the Michigan State University College of Education, he has played a key role in legitimizing research by faculty and graduate students examining the educational experiences and outcomes of African American boys and men. Dr. Jackson co-founded the International Colloquium on Black Males in Education and is the author of more than 125 academic publications. He is a leading expert on diversity in higher education, who has expanded our knowledge of postsecondary staffing, retention, and workplace experiences. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and has secured nearly 12 million dollars in grants from the National Science Foundation and other agencies. Dr. Jackson’s academic and professional leadership has strengthened and advanced scholarship on Black boys and men around the world.  

Young-Suk Kim, University of California, Irvine

Dr. Young-Suk Kim has blazed a trail in the field of education, revolutionizing our understanding of reading comprehension, writing, and their underlying cognitive mechanisms. She began her career as an English teacher in South Korea, and currently serves as a professor and Senior Associate Dean at the University of California, Irvine School of Education. Dr. Kim’s pioneering scholarship redefines theoretical frameworks and translates into practical applications, shaping innovative instructional methods grounded in empirical evidence for reading and writing. A highly productive scholar in educational psychology, Dr. Kim earned a distinguished Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers from the White House in 2012 and has secured nearly 60 million dollars in federal grants. Her work on the Direct and Indirect Effect Model of Reading and the Direct and Indirect Effect Model of Writing is a seminal achievement. Dr. Kim’s contributions have cleared a path for enhanced teaching practices and comprehensive literacy development strategies.

Anastasia Kitsantas, George Mason University

Dr. Anastasia Kitsantas is a leading scholar of educational psychology, with nearly three decades of conceptual and empirical research to her credit. As a professor at George Mason University’s College of Education and Human Development, Dr. Kitsantas has made key contributions to self-regulated learning across multiple functional areas. Her research has been foundational for cross-context educational reform and for the development of assessment measures used by scholars worldwide. Her formidable output includes more than 100 peer-reviewed research articles, and she has co-authored and co-edited volumes that have been translated into Chinese and Japanese. Dr. Kitsantas also helped test a self-regulatory competence model and investigated how educators can apply it to help students cultivate self-regulation skills. She co-created the Self-Efficacy for Learning Form and conducted research on how to most accurately assess self-regulated learning. The broad citation of Dr. Kitsantas’s research reflects her acclaimed status as an influential and transformative figure in educational psychology.

Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia, Michigan State University

Dr. Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia has made significant contributions through her groundbreaking research on the role students' emotions play in their achievement and motivation. Her work has led to the development of innovative interventions to improve students' motivation and engagement, achievement, and persistence in school. She is a professor at Michigan State University’s School of Education, a fellow of Division 15 of the American Psychological Association, and co-editor of Educational Psychologist. Dr.  Linnenbrink-Garcia has received nearly 10 million dollars in federal grants and published 58 peer-reviewed articles and 27 book chapters. She works closely with teachers and school administrators on the design of motivation-enhancing teaching practices at different levels of schooling. Dr. Linnenbrink-Garcia’s work has expanded traditional motivation theory beyond linear and deterministic models to account for emotions in shaping motivation, making her an invaluable contributor to the advancement of intervention studies and a leading theoretician among scholars in her field.

Christopher Lubienski, Indiana University, Bloomington

Dr. Christopher Lubienski is a renowned scholar of education policy and politics and the application of research evidence in policymaking, education reform and equity, urban education, and geographic analyses. His scholarship focuses on school choice and privatization, yielding insights into charter-school innovation, markets, and marketing in choice environments, and public and private school outcomes. A professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at Indiana University, Bloomington, Dr. Lubienski has examined the range of political and messaging strategies that intermediary organizations implement to disseminate and use social science in public policy debates. His co-edited book Learning to Teach in an Era of Privatization: Global Trends in Teacher Preparation won the Critics’ Choice Book Award from the American Educational Studies Association in 2020.  Dr. Lubienski is a leading public scholar helping to guide public understanding of school choice initiatives, and his work continues to strengthen research on education policy worldwide.

Danny Bernard Martin, University of Illinois Chicago

Dr. Danny Bernard Martin is a pre-eminent scholar on issues of race and mathematics education, who has brought to the fore how race and racial narratives impact the experiences of Black youth in mathematics classrooms. His work has fundamentally shaped the field’s conceptions of race and how it pervades and unfolds in the teaching of mathematics. A professor in the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Departments of Curriculum and Instruction and Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, Dr. Martin has instituted a formal mentoring program to develop and support emerging scholars from diverse backgrounds. He has published six books, earned the Benjamin Banneker Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2018, and was one of the earliest and most insightful writers to focus on issues of mathematics identity and its impact. Dr. Martin’s work critically highlights how race and identity influence access to mathematical literacy for Black youth and adults at all levels of schooling.

Punya Mishra, Arizona State University

Dr. Punya Mishra is an exceptional innovator, designer, and scholar whose pioneering theoretical frameworks, design-based research, transdisciplinary perspective, and leadership have advanced the field of education and influenced practices globally. The associate dean of scholarship and innovation and a professor in the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University, Dr. Mishra is most recognized for co-developing the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge framework. He has received over nine million in grants, published more than 200 articles, edited five books, and is listed among the top 2 percent of most widely cited scientists worldwide. Dr. Mishra understands the delicate issue of integrating technology into existing pedagogical practices and offers novel lenses or frameworks for exploring where educational technology might play an integral role in different educational settings and learning situations. Dr. Mishra serves as an inspiration to teachers and learners through his creativity and dedication to educational technology innovation.

Sheilah E. Nicholas, University of Arizona

Dr. Sheilah Nicholas is an internationally acclaimed scholar who has produced unparalleled insights on indigenous language education, youth studies, and language and culture reclamation. A member of the Hopi tribe, Dr. Nicholas is a professor of teaching, learning, and sociocultural studies at the University of Arizona and lead faculty in the American Indian Language Development Institute. She formulated the indigenous Hopi concept of "language as cultural practice," detailing the transmission mechanisms of oral tradition as comprised of linguistic forms that transcend speaking. Dr. Nicholas’s leadership has transformed indigenous-serving programs by building partnerships with Native communities and schools. She also led a Spencer Foundation–funded project to compile a data set critical to the long-term understanding of language planning and policies in and out of school. Dr. Nicholas’ groundbreaking work shows how schools and educators can partner with indigenous and minoritized communities to implement positive education programs.

Carla O'Connor, University of Michigan

Dr. Carla O’Connor’s preeminent scholarship has illuminated the factors influencing Black students' academic success. Her unwavering commitment to research supporting minoritized students stems from her lifelong devotion to engaging with the intersections of education and race. Dr. O’Connor is a professor at the University of Michigan’s Marsal Family School of Education and a founding member of the Center for the Study of Black Youth in Context, which has amassed millions of dollars in grants to explore learning, schooling, and opportunities in marginalized environments. Her research clarifies how personal and cultural identity shape the success of students traditionally underserved by public schools, and her widely published work details how schools can mitigate academic risk for Black youth. An outstanding teacher at the undergraduate and graduate levels, she directs Wolverine Pathways, a program offering academic support for students from seventh grade through college. Dr. O’Connor’s work seamlessly integrates the best qualities of robust, cutting-edge scholarship and professional practice with sensitivity, insight, and attentiveness.

Nicole Patton Terry, Florida State University

Dr. Nicole Patton Terry is a nationally lauded leader in practice-engaged research who has helped transform research in early literacy around language variation. Dr. Terry is a professor of education at Florida State University’s School of Teacher Education and director of the Florida Center for Reading Research. She has published 48 peer-reviewed journal articles, 12 books and book chapters, and nine textbook chapters, in addition to securing more than 96 million dollars in grants. She is the director of the U.S. Department of Education’s Regional Educational Laboratory Southeast, fostering engagement with states and districts in her region to improve the use of research evidence. She is president of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading and a Fellow of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Dr. Terry’s comprehensive scholarship reflects her deep commitment to improving literacy for children facing obstacles to achievement in school, including Black students, children living in poverty, and students with reading disabilities.

Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales, San Francisco State University

Dr. Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales has impacted a generation of scholars with her feminist framework for Pinays, or Filipinas, in the United States and across the diaspora. She has significantly influenced the field of ethnic studies education and played a major role in developing ethnic studies curriculum for K–12 classrooms. Dr. Tintiangco-Cubales serves as a professor of Asian American studies and educational leadership at San Francisco State University. She is recognized as an influential leader in establishing an ethnic studies requirement for high school graduation in California and for admission to the University of California and California State University systems. Dr. Tintiangco-Cubales is widely published, including four books, three edited volumes, 16 book chapters, and 18 articles. As founding director of the Pinay Educational Partnerships mentoring pipeline, she has helped nurture countless researchers and educators. Dr. Tintiangco-Cubales’s contributions to the development of an Ethnic Studies Pedagogy and her work on critical content in ethnic studies and its relationship to culturally and community-responsive pedagogy has been foundational to the field.

Elizabeth Tipton, Northwestern University

Dr. Elizabeth Tipton has helped to revolutionize education research by designing generalizability instruments that measure analytic performance and extend the results of large-scale research for improving education practice and policy. She is an expert in evaluation, utilizing systemic reviews to determine the impact of education programs to examine what works, for whom, and under what conditions. She is a professor in Northwestern University’s Department of Statistics and Data Science and has secured over 23 million dollars in outside grants. Dr. Tipton is deeply focused on the impact of interventions on neglected or overlooked populations, having published around 60 papers in leading research journals. Dr. Tipton developed the influential Institute of Education Sciences report titled Enhancing the Generalizability of Impact Studies in Education. Dr. Tipton’s work in research design, methodology, and statistical tools has significantly impacted education research and made key contributions to the social, behavioral, and health sciences.

Ulrich Trautwein, University of Tubingen, Germany

Dr. Ulrich Trautwein is a highly prolific scholar who has undertaken important research on the effect of homework on student success, the association of students’ personality traits with achievement, and the enhancement of students’ mathematics performance through interventions. He has been regarded as one of the most productive educational psychologists in the world for the past two decades, with well over 250 articles and 107 chapters published and 23 authored or edited books to his credit. A professor of education sciences and psychology at the University of Tübingen in Germany, Dr. Trautwein has received more than 50 million euros for research grants. At Tübingen, he is the founding director and now co-director of the LEAD graduate school and international research network, and director of the Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology. Dr. Trautwein’s remarkable record of scholarship and his contributions to creating educational infrastructure have improved the quality of education for students internationally.

Joel Westheimer, University of Ottawa

Dr. Joel Westheimer is a highly influential public intellectual whose scholarship has deepened our understanding of the democratic goals of education, school community, the role of patriotism, and the politics of education. He helped shape the conceptualization of civic and democratic priorities and justice-oriented work in education with his seminal 2004 article “What Kind of Citizen: The Politics of Educating for Democracy,” published in the American Educational Research Journal. A professor in the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Education, Dr. Westheimer was named a Laureate of Kappa Delta Pi in 2015 and received the Canadian Education Association’s Whitworth Award for Education Research in 2009. His book What Kind of Citizen? Educating Our Children for the Common Good has been incorporated into the curricula of dozens of U.S. states and Canadian provinces. As co-director of the Inequality Project, he has helped to address scholarship’s lack of research on what young people know, think, and learn about economic inequality. Dr. Westheimer has substantially influenced the ways that educators strive to advance and assess the democratic aims of schooling.

Susan A. Yoon, University of Pennsylvania

Dr. Susan Yoon is one of the foremost scholars in the learning sciences and science education, having significantly advanced our knowledge of the learning and teaching of complex systems and made far-reaching contributions to research on student and teacher learning. She is a professor and associate dean for research and faculty affairs at the University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education and has received over 11 million dollars in external funding. Dr. Yoon has published more than 50 articles in leading peer-reviewed journals, and her 2018 paper “Teaching and Learning About Complex Systems in K–12 Science Education,” in the Review of Educational Research, has become a foundational text. She is also a Fellow of the International Society of the Learning Sciences. Dr. Yoon's cutting-edge work and leadership have gained her national and international renown for helping teachers grasp the interconnectedness and interdependencies in various aspects of the world, from ecological to social systems, so that they can better engage students in science and inquiry.