SIG Award
SIG Award
SIG - Research in Mathematics Education

Select Award:

Karen King Future Leader Award

Senior Scholar Award

Early Career Publication Award


Karen King Future Leader Award

2024 Award Winner

Kathryn R. Westby
Michigan State University

2023 Award Winner 

Micaela Harris
Vanderbilt University

Senior Scholar Award

2023 Award Winner 

Beth Herbel-Eisenmann
Michigan State University

2021 Award Winner 

William F. Tate
University of South Carolina

2019 Award Winner 

Dr. Judit Moschkovich
University of California, Santa Cruz

Early Career Publication Award

2024 Award Winner

Nickolaus A. Ortiz
Georgia State University

2023 Award Winner 

Paulo Tan
University of Missouri, St. Louis

Tan, P., Padilla, A., & Lambert, R. (2022). A critical review of educator and disability research in mathematics education: A decade of dehumanizing waves and humanizing wakes. Review of Educational Research.

Cathery Yeh
The University of Texas at Austin

Yeh, C., Ellis, M., & Mahmood, D. (2020). From the margin to the center: A framework for rehumanizing mathematics education for students with dis/abilities. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 58.

2022 Award Winner 

Jon Henner
University of North Carolina, Greensboro

"Counting differently: Assessing mathematics achievement of signing deaf and hard of hearing children through a unique lens" published in American Annals of the Deaf in 2021
2021 Award Winner 

Erica Litke
University of Delaware

"The nature and quality of algebra instruction: Using a content-focused observation tool as a lens for understanding and improving instructional practice" published inCognition and Instruction in 2019.

Erika C. Bullock
University of Wisconsin-Madison

"Intersectional analysis in critical mathematics education research: A response to figure hiding" published in The Review of Research in Education in 2018.
2020 Award Winner 

Jonee Wilson
North Carolina State University

Nicole Louie
University of Wisconsin, Madison

2019 Award Winner 

Dr. Annie Garrison Wilhelm
Southern Methodist University

For the paper entitled "Mathematics Teachers' Enactment of Cognitively Demanding Tasks: Investigating Links to Teachers' Knowledge and Conceptions" in the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education