2024 RRE Volume Released
2024 RRE Volume Released

October 2024

AERA has released the 2024 volume (Volume 48) of Review of Research in Education (RRE), edited by Yong Zhao (University of Kansas) and Ronald Beghetto (Arizona State University). Titled “Educational Side Effects,” the volume includes nine informative chapters with an introduction from the editors.

As noted by the editors in their introduction:

“Educational side effects (Zhao, 2017) refer to both expected and unexpected effects of interventions and actions in education, which are influenced by a broad range of contingencies, including different and dynamically changing populations, contexts, times, and other uncertainties. Moreover, these side effects can have both positive and negative impact on students, teachers, and the broader social project of education itself.”

The next volume of RRE (Volume 49, 2025), “Equitable Educational Systems that Cultivate Thriving,” is being edited by Vivian Gadsden and David Osher (general editors for the 2023 and 2025 volumes), with Megan Bang, Alfredo J. Artiles, and Na’ilah Suad Nasir (2025 volume editors).

RRE, published annually, provides a forum for analytic research reviews on selected education topics of significance to the field. Each volume addresses a topic of broad relevance to education and learning, and publishes articles that critically examine diverse literatures and bodies of knowledge across relevant disciplines and fields. RRE volumes advance the state of the knowledge, promote discussion, and shape directions for future research.