January 2022
The AERA 2022 election opened on Thursday, January 13, with voting conducted by electronic ballot. The election is being held over a 30-day period, concluding on Friday, February 11, at 11:59 p.m. PST. All voting members are urged to exercise their right to vote. Exercising that right is an important moment of democratic participation, whether in democracies large or small. The election includes candidates for the offices of AERA President-Elect, Council Member-at-Large, division officers, special interest group (SIG) officers, SIG Executive Committee officers, and Graduate Student Council officers. The nominees for the office of AERA President-Elect are:
The nominees for the office of AERA Council Member-at-Large are:
Biographical statements of all candidates are included with the ballot. In addition, bios for nominees for AERA-wide, division, SIG Executive Committee, and Graduate Student Council office are posted on the AERA website. All 2021 voting members and all 2022 voting members who joined or renewed by January 4 have the right to vote in the election. Voting members received an email from AERA’s independent election agent on January 13 with a personalized link to access their ballot. The ballot is customized to include applicable election(s) according to the voting member’s AERA, division, and/or SIG membership. The personalized link will also be provided in periodic reminder emails to those who have not yet voted. “We strongly encourage all eligible members to vote in the AERA elections,” said AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine. “The democratic process is important in any open society, including research associations like AERA. Recognizing the high quality of AERA candidates across positions, we urge you to think about each office and take the time to choose your leaders.” The results of the election will be reported in the February issue of AERA Highlights and will be posted on the AERA website.