December 2021
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is seeking proposals from individuals and institutions for a new initiative—Science, Technology, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Postdoctoral Fellowships.
The purpose of this program is to invest in building the STEM education research talent pool at a career stage where dedicated research time and professional development opportunities can have a long-term payoff.
Proposals may be submitted by individuals (Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship) or by single institutions or a collaboration of institutions (Institutional Cohort Postdoctoral Fellowship). The individual postdoctoral fellowship awards up to $300,000 with a duration of up to 24 months ($150,000 maximum annually). Individual applicants select a faculty member or researcher to guide and mentor them on a STEM education research project. The institutional cohort postdoctoral fellowship awards up to $1,250,000 for awards to single institutions or up to $2,500,000 for awards to collaborating institutions, with a duration of up to 36 months. Institutional applicants develop programs that aim to build STEM education research capacity among postdoctoral scholars.
Scholars from racial and ethnic minority groups as well as Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Serving Institutions are especially encouraged to apply.
The solicitation can be viewed on the NSF website; more information about the program is also online. The submission deadline is March 1.
The individual postdoctoral fellowships are for those who finished their doctoral degree within 24 months (March 2020) or will finish within 10 months (December 2022) of the March 1 deadline.
“This is an excellent opportunity for early career scholars and institutions to enhance research knowledge and skills in an area of study that is crucial to students, educators, and the country,” said AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine. “We strongly encourage applications to this important program and sharing its availability with eligible doctorates.”
NSF will hold five informational “office hour” webinars about the program beginning on January 10 and ending on February 11. Visit the NSF website for more information and to register.