AERA Selects Alfredo Artiles to Deliver 2017 Brown Lecture in Education Research
AERA Selects Alfredo Artiles to Deliver 2017 Brown Lecture in Education Research

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AERA Selects Alfredo Artiles to Deliver 2017 Brown Lecture in Education Research

SAN ANTONIO, TX, April 29, 2017 ─ Alfredo J. Artiles, Dean of Graduate Education and the Ryan C. Harris Professor of Special Education at Arizona State University, has been selected by the American Educational Research Association (AERA) to present the 2017 Brown Lecture in Education Research. The public lecture will take place October 19 at the Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center in Washington, D.C.


Dr. Artiles is a leading scholar on understanding and addressing educational inequities related to the intersections of disability with other sociocultural differences,” said AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine. “His work aiming to advance policies, personnel preparation programs, and inclusive educational systems in diverse contexts is a perfect match for the goals of the Brown Lecture.”
The Annual Brown Lecture in Education Research illuminates the important role of research in advancing understanding of equality and equity in education.
Artiles directs the Equity Alliance at Arizona State University, edits the Teachers College Press book series Disability, Culture, & Equity, and is the co-editor of the International Multilingual Research Journal. He was vice president of AERA (2009-2011). Artiles is an AERA Fellow, a Spencer Foundation/National Academy of Education Postdoctoral Fellow (1998-2000), and a 2008-09 Resident Fellow at Stanford’s Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. He served on President Barack Obama’s Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics and was named 2009 Distinguished Alumnus by the University of Virginia’s Curry School of Education Foundation.

Artiles was the lead author of “Objects of Protection, Enduring Nodes of Difference: Disability Intersections With ‘Other’ Differences, 1916-2016,” (Review of Research in Education, March 2016), which won the 2017 AERA Review of Research Award. 

Now in its 14th year, the Brown Lecture was inaugurated by AERA in 2004 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education decision, in which the U.S. Supreme Court took scientific research into account in issuing its landmark ruling.
The Brown Lecture Selection Committee included AERA President Vivian L. Gadsden, University of Pennsylvania; AERA President-elect Deborah Loewenberg Ball, University of Michigan; AERA past-President Jeannie Oakes, University of California, Los Angeles; AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine; AERA Director of Professional Development and Diversity Officer George L. Wimberly; Social Justice Action Committee (SJAC) Chair Kofi Lomotey, Western Carolina University; and SJAC member Tabbye Chavous, University of Michigan.

About AERA
The American Educational Research Association (AERA) is the largest national interdisciplinary research association devoted to the scientific study of education and learning. Founded in 1916, AERA advances knowledge about education, encourages scholarly inquiry related to education, and promotes the use of research to improve education and serve the public good. Find AERA on Facebook and Twitter.
