Most-Read Articles of 2014 By AERA Journal
Most-Read Articles of 2014 By AERA Journal
Most-Read Articles of 2014 for Each AERA Journal
Based on the number of times they were accessed online, the following were the top 10 AERA research articles published in each of AERA's six journals in 2014.

To view the top 10 articles across all AERA journals, click here.

American Educational Research Journal
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis
Educational Researcher
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics
Review of Educational Research
Review of Research in Education

American Educational Research Journal

  1. How Teacher Evaluation Methods Matter for Accountability: A Comparative Analysis of Teacher Effectiveness Ratings by Principals and Teacher Value-Added Measures
    The results from this quantitative analysis of thirty schools suggest that method of evaluation may not only affect which specific teachers are rewarded in the short term, but shape the qualities of teacher and teaching students experience in the long term.
    American Educational Research Journal, January 2014
    Douglas N. Harris, William K. Ingle, Stacey A. Rutledge

  2. Efficacy of the Responsive Classroom Approach: Results from a 3-Year, Longitudinal Randomized Controlled Trial
    Classroom programs designed to improve elementary school students’ social and emotional skills can also increase reading and math achievement, even if academic improvement is not a direct goal of the skills building.
    American Educational Research Journal, March 2014
    Sara E. Rimm-Kaufman

  3. College Selectivity and Degree Completion
    Using multi-level models and propensity score matching methods to reduce selection bias, selectivity, measured by a college’s average SAT score, was found not to have an independent effect on graduation.
    American Educational Research Journal, August 2014
    Scott Heil, Liza Reisel, Paul Attewell

  4. Eliciting Engagement in the High School Classroom: A Mixed-Methods Examination of Teaching Practices
    This case study analyzes how and why student engagement differs across 581 classes in one diverse high school and introduces a typology for thinking systematically about teaching for engagement.
    American Educational Research Journal, April 2014
    Kristy S. Cooper

  5. Reclassification Patterns Among Latino English Learner Students in Bilingual, Dual Immersion, and English Immersion Classrooms
    Latino EL students enrolled in two-language programs are reclassified at a slower pace in elementary school but have higher overall reclassification, English proficiency, and academic threshold passage by the end of high school. 
    American Educational Research Journal, August 2014
    Ilana M. Umansky, Sean F. Reardon

  6. Academic Content, Student Learning, and the Persistence of Preschool Effects 
    Using nationally representative data, the authors examine the association between reading and mathematics, finding that children benefit from exposure to advanced content regardless of whether they attended preschool. 
    American Educational Research Journal, April 2014
    Amy Claessens, Mimi Engel, F. Chris Curran

  7. School Support, Parental Involvement, and Academic and Social-Emotional Outcomes for English Language Learners
    This study examined the relationships among school support, parental school involvement, and academic and social-emotional outcomes for children who are English language learners (ELLs), finding that  ELL students had lower achievement and more social-emotional concerns when they attended schools that provided more support services.
    American Educational Research Journal, April 2014
    Kate Niehaus, Jill L. Adelson

  8. Improving Teacher Feedback During Active Learning: Effects of a Professional Development Program
    This study focuses on improving teacher feedback during active learning, with results showing that the professional development of teachers can be effective and sustainable, if certain conditions are met.
    American Educational Research Journal, April 2014
    Linda Van den Bergh, Anje Ros, Douwe Beijaard

  9. I'm Not Going to Be, Like, for the AP: English Language Learners' Limited Access to Advanced College-Preparatory Courses in High School
    Findings expose the way in which ELLs’ chances for rigorous academic preparation are systematically reduced and point to the importance of providing ELLs with high-level academic curriculum while also supplying linguistic scaffolding that makes such learning possible.
    American Educational Research Journal, August 2014
    Yasuko Kanno, Sara E. N. Kangas

  10. A New Model for Student Support in High-Poverty Urban Elementary Schools: Effects on Elementary and Middle School Academic Outcomes
    This study examined academic achievement of students participating in City Connects, a student support intervention operating in high-poverty elementary schools, providing evidence for the value of addressing out-of-school factors that impact student learning. 
    American Educational Research Journal, August 2014
    Mary E. Walsh, George F. Madaus, Anastasia E. Raczek, Eric Dearing, Claire Foley, Chen An, Terrence J. Lee-St. John, Albert Beaton

Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis

  1. Instructional Alignment as a Measure of Teaching Quality
    Researchers found weak to nonexistent relationships between state-administered value-added model measures of teacher performance and the content or quality of teachers’ instruction.
    Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, May 2014
    Morgan S. Polikoff, Andrew C. Porter

  2. Which Instructional Practices Most Help First-Grade Students With and Without Mathematics Difficulties?
    First-grade teachers in the United States may need to change their instructional practices if they are to raise the mathematics achievement of students with mathematics difficulties.
    Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, June 2014
    Paul L. Morgan, George Farkas, Steve Maczuga

  3. The Community College Route to the Bachelor's Degree
    Students who begin their postsecondary education at a community college and successfully transfer to a four-year college have BA graduation rates equal to similar students who begin at four-year colleges, according to this article.
    Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, March 2014
    David B. Monaghan, Paul Attewell

  4. Labor Market Returns to Sub-Baccalaureate Credentials: How Much Does a Community College Degree or Certificate Pay? 
    This study provides one of the first estimates of the returns to different types of community college credentials—short-term certificates, long-term certificates, and associate degrees—across different fields of study.
    Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, November 2014
    Mina Dadgar, Madeline Joy Trimble 

  5. True for Your School? How Changing Reputations Alter Demand for Selective U.S. Colleges
    Rankings published annually by the Princeton Review and U.S. News and World Report and their effects on the number of applications colleges receive are examined.
    Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, January 2014
    Randall Reback, Molly Alter

  6. Estimating the Effects of No Child Left Behind on Teachers' Work Environments and Job Attitudes
    Researchers invesitaged the impacts of NO Child Left Behind on teachers’ perceptions of their work environments and related job attitudes, including satisfaction and commitment to remain in teaching, finding some evidence that the law has negatively affected perceptions of teacher cooperation but positively affected feelings of classroom control and administrator support. 
    Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, June 2014
    Jason A. Grissom, Sean Nicholson-Crotty, James R. Harrington

  7. The Effects of Student Coaching: An Evaluation of a Randomized Experiment in Student Advising
    College graduation rates often lag behind college attendance rates. One theory as to why students do not complete college is that they lack key information about how to be successful or fail to act on the information that they have.
    Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, March 2014
    Eric Bettinger, Rachel B. Baker

  8. The Maine Question: How Is 4-Year College Enrollment Affected by Mandatory College Entrance Exams?
    Researchers use a difference-in-differences analytic approach to estimate postsecondary consequences from Maine’s mandate that all public school juniors take the SAT, finding that the policy increased 4-year college-going rates by 2- to 3-percentage points and that 4-year college-going rates among induced students increased by 10-percentage points.
    Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, March 2014
    Michael Hurwitz, Jonathan Smith, Sunny Niu, Jessica Howell

  9. Staffing for Success: Linking Teacher Evaluation and School Personnel Management in Practice
    The results of this research suggest the importance of accounting for multiple aspects of teachers’ work in evaluation systems that are meant to inform multiple types of personnel decisions.
    Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, June 2014
    Benjamin Master

  10. Changes in Levels of Affirmative Action in College Admissions in Response to Statewide Bans and Judicial Rulings 
    In the first empirically driven snapshot of affirmative action at the national level, researchers discover that state bans on affirmative action in college admission have a spillover effect on neighboring states without highly selective colleges.
    Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, June 2014
    Grant H. Blume, Mark C. Long

Educational Researcher

  1. Facts Are More Important Than Novelty: Replication in the Education Sciences
    Although replicating important findings is essential for helping education research improve its usefulness to policymakers and practitioners, less than one percent of the articles published in the top education research journals are replication studies. 
    Educational Researcher, August 2014
    Matthew C. Makel, Jonathan A. Plucker

  2. Teacher Evaluation Policy and Conflicting Theories of Motivation
    Current interest in teacher evaluation focuses disproportionately on measurement issues and performance-based pay without an overarching theory of how evaluation works. To develop such a theory, the author contrast two motivation theories often used to guide thinking about teacher evaluation.
    Educational Researcher, March 2014
    William A. Firestone

  3. Changing "Course": Reconceptualizing Educational Variables for Massive Open Online Courses
    In massive open online courses (MOOCs), low barriers to registration attract large numbers of students with diverse interests and backgrounds, and student use of course content is asynchronous and unconstrained. The authors argue that MOOC data are not only plentiful and different in kind but require reconceptualization.
    Educational Researcher, March 2014
    Jennifer DeBoer

  4. Learning to Think Critically: A Visual Art Experiment
    This article examines whether exposure to the arts has an effect on the ability of students to engage in critical thinking. Its results have important policy implications for efforts to restore and expand access to the arts.
    Educational Researcher, January 2014
    Daniel H. Bowen, Jay P. Greene, Brian Kisida

  5. Relevance to Practice as a Criterion for Rigor
    The authors argue for a reconceptualization of rigor that requires sustained, direct, and systematic documentation of what takes place inside programs to document how students and teachers change and adapt interventions in interactions with each other in relation to their dynamic local contexts
    Educational Researcher, January 2014
    Kris D. Gutierrez, William R. Penuel

  6. The Expanding Role of Philanthropy in Education Politics
    Using data from 2000, 2005, and 2010, researchers investigated giving patterns among the 15 largest education foundations, finding that foundations increasingly fund organizations that operate as “jurisdictional  challengers” by competing with traditional public sector institutions.
    Educational Researcher, May 2014
    Sarah Reckhow, Jeffrey W. Snyder

  7. Beyond a Definition: Toward a Framework for Designing and Specifying Mentoring Models 
    This article advances beyond a definition toward a common framework for specifying mentoring models, providing researchers and practitioners with a detailed yet concise method of communicating exactly what they mean when using the word mentoring.
    Educational Researcher, April 2014
    Phillip Dawson

  8. An Investigation of the Relations Between School Concentrations of Student Risk Factors and Student Educational Well-Being
    This study investigated the unique relations between school concentrations of student risk factors and measures of reading, mathematics, and attendance, finding that for reading achievement and attendance, concentrations of both poverty and race were not significant.
    Educational Researcher, January 2014
    John W. Fantuzzo, Whitney A. LeBoeuf, Heather L. Rouse

  9. The Similarities Between Research in Education and Research in the Hard Sciences
    The author argues that there is a considerable degree of similarity between research in the hard sciences and education and that this provides a useful lens for thinking about what constitutes “rigorous” and “scientific” education research.
    Educational Researcher, January 2014
    Carl E. Wieman

  10. Conceptual and Methodological Problems in Research on College Undermatch
    This article identifies three problematic assumptions in research on undermatching, a popular explanation for the phenomenon of students in the lowest income quartile constituting less than 4% of enrollment at the nation's most selective colleges.
    Educational Researcher, March 2014
    Michael Bastedo, Allyson Flaster

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics

  1. Correcting for Test Score Measurement Error in ANCOVA Models for Estimating Treatment Effects
    The authors develop extensions of method-of-moments,Simulation-Extrapolation, and latent regression approaches to correcting for measurement error using the conditional standard errors of measure of test scores, and demonstrate their effectiveness relative to simpler alternatives using both simulation and a case study of teacher value-added effect estimation using longitudinal data from a large suburban school district.
    Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, February 2014
    J.R. Lockwood, Daniel F. McCaffrey

  2. Screening Test Items for Differential Item Functioning
    This article adapts a method for medical screening to differential item functioning.
    Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, February 2014
    Nicholas Longford

  3. A State Space Modeling Approach to Mediation Analysis
    The authors argue a discrepancy between the concept of mediation and the research designs and propose a two-faceted solution.
    Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, April 2014
    Fei Gu, Kristopher J. Preacher, Emilio Ferrer

  4. A Third-Order Item Response Theory Model for Modeling the Effects of Domains and Subdomains in Large-Scale Educational Assessment Surveys
    Findings suggest that deviations from unidimensionality are more pronounced at the content domain level than at the cognitive domain level and that deviations from unidimensionality at the content domain level become negligible after taking into account topic areas.
    Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, August 2014
    Frank Rijmen, Minjeong Jeon, Matthias von Davier, Sophia Rabe-Hesketh

  5. Confidence Intervals for Assessing Heterogeneity in Generalized Linear Mixed Models
    This article proposes confidence intervals for estimating the heterogeneity due to clustering on a scale that is easy to interpret. 
    Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, June 2014
    Amy E. Wagler

  6. Multilevel Factor Analysis by Model Segregation: New Applications for Robust Test Statistics
    This article presents an empirical example and a simulation study to demonstrate how item intraclass correlations and within-group sample sizes influence test statistic performance, with results having implications for the study of classroom environments.
    Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, October 2014
    Jonathan Schweig

  7. Measuring Student Ability, Classifying Schools, and Detecting Item Bias at School Level, Based on Student-Level Dichotomous Items
    This study presents a model that simultaneously accounts for the nested structure, controls student ability for processes at school level, classifies schools to monitor and compare schools, and tests for school-level item bias.
    Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, June 2014
    Margot Bennink, Marcel A. Croon, Jos Keuning, Jos Keuning

  8. Measuring an Effect Size From Dichotomized Data: Contrasted Results Whether Using a Correlation or an Odds Ratio
    This article explores the consequences of dichotomizing continuous data on the value of an effect size in some classical settings.
    Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, April 2014
    Valentin Rousson

  9. The Sequential Probability Ratio Test and Binary Item Response Models
    This study illustrates, in depth, the relationship between the sequential probability ratio test statistic and classification evidence in binary item response theory models. 
    Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, June 2014
    Steven Nydick

  10. Standardized Mean Differences in Two-Level Cross-Classified Random Effects Models
    This article extends the work on multilevel standardized mean differences from strictly hierarchical structure to both fully and partially cross-classified structures.
    Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, August 2014
    Mark H.C. Lai, Oi-Man Kwok

Review of Educational Research

  1. Human Capital Theory: A Holistic Criticism
    This article takes a holistic approach and reviews human capital theory from four comprehensive perspectives focusing on the methodological, empirical, practical, and moral aspects of the theory.
    Review of Research in Education, April 2014
    Emrullah Tan

  2. A Review of the Literature on Teaching Academic English to English Language Learners
    This article reviews current literature to determine what is known about the nature of academic English (AE) within the context of K–12 schooling, raising critical challenges in defining and operationalizing AE for instruction and suggests areas for further inquiry.
    Review of Research in Education, September 2014
    Patricia A. DeCerbo, Kristina A. Anstrom, Lottie L. Baker, Charlene Rivera

  3. A Qualitative Review of Literature on Peer Review of Teaching in Higher Education: An Application of the SWOT Framework
    This analysis highlights a positive strategy in promoting peer review of teaching in higher education.
    Review of Research in Education, March 2014
    Susan Thomas, Qiu Ting Chie, Mathew Abraham, Sony Jalarajan Raj, Loo-See Beh

  4. The Effects of Adolescent Health-Related Behavior on Academic Performance: A Systematic Review of the Longitudinal Evidence
    This synthesis of the empirical, longitudinal literature investigated the effects of the most predominant health-related behaviors on the academic performance of adolescents finds that all relations of health-related behaviors and academic performance are dependent on contextual factors and are often mediated by psychosocial problems, social structures, and demographics. 
    Review of Research in Education, June 2014
    Vincent Busch, Anne Loyen, Mandy Lodder, Augustinus J. P. Schrijvers, Tom A. van Yperen, Johannes R. J. de Leeuw

  5. A Review of Undergraduate Mentoring Programs
    This review summarizes published studies on undergraduate mentoring programs from 2008 to 2012, assessing each study based on limitations identified in two earlier reviews of the mentoring literature: definition, theory, and methods. 
    Review of Research in Education, September 2014
    Susan Gershenfeld

  6. Decoding and Reading Comprehension: A Meta-Analysis to Identify Which Reader and Assessment Characteristics Influence the Strength of the Relationship in English
    The twofold purpose of this meta-analysis is to determine the relative importance of decoding skills to reading comprehension in reading development and to identify which reader characteristics and reading assessment characteristics contribute to differences in the decoding and reading comprehension correlation.
    Review of Research in Education, March 2014
    J. Ricardo Garcia, Kate Cain

  7. Cooperating Teacher Participation in Teacher Education: A Review of the Literature
    Student teachers consider cooperating teachers to be one of the most important contributors to their teacher preparation program and therefore, the ways in which cooperating teachers participate in teacher education are significant. This review seeks to move conceptions of that participation beyond commonly held beliefs to empirically supported claims.
    Review of Research in Education, June 2014
    Anthony Clarke, Valerie Triggs, Wendy Nielsen

  8. A Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of English-Medium Education in Hong Kong
    This meta-analysis is the first attempt to synthesize the research evidence on  English as the Medium of Instruction (EMI) education in Hong Kong since 1970, discussing differences between the effectiveness of EMI education in Hong Kong and that of similar programs in other contexts.
    Review of Research in Education, March 2014
    Yuen Yi Lo, Eric Siu Chung Lo

  9. Effects of the Good Behavior Game on Challenging Behaviors in School Settings
    The Good Behavior Game (GBG) has been found to be useful to positively change student behavior, but previous reviews of the GBG have not quantified effects, have not focused solely on school and classroom behaviors, and have not examined study features that facilitate greater outcomes. This article reviews 22 peer-reviewed journal articles. 
    Review of Research in Education, December 2014
    Andrea Flower, John W. McKenna, Rommel L. Bunuan, Colin S. Muething, Ramon Vega Jr.

  10. Individual Differences in Reading Development: A Review of 25 Years of Empirical Research on Matthew Effects in Reading
    This review summarizes the empirical findings on the development of early interindividual differences in reading and does not find strong support for the general validity of a pattern of widening achievement differences or for a pattern of decreasing achievement differences in reading. 
    Review of Research in Education, June 2014
    Maximilian Pfost, John Hattie, Tobias Dörfler, Cordula Artelt

Review of Research in Education

  1. Language Policy, Politics, and Diversity in Education
    Review of Research in Education: Vol. 38, Language Policy, Politics, and Diversity in Education explores the role of educational language policies in promoting education as a human right. 
    Review of Research in Education, March 2014
    Terrence Wiley, David R. Garcia, Arnold B. Danzig, Monica L. Stigler

  2. Language Diversity and Language Policy in Educational Access and Equity
    This article examines the role of language policies in mediating access and equity in education, offering an argument for placing language policies at the center of debates about educational access and equity, as well as a broad range of sociopolitical processes that shape learners’ educational achievement.
    Review of Research in Education, March 2014
    James W. Tollefson, Amy B. M. Tsui

  3. Diversity, Super-Diversity, and Monolingual Language Ideology in the United States: Tolerance or Intolerance?
    This article addresses issues related to language diversity, policy, and politics within the U.S. context and notes recent trends and future projections.
    Review of Research in Education, March 2014
    Terrence G. Wiley

  4. Reclaiming Indigenous Languages: A Reconsideration of the Roles and Responsibilities of Schools
    This article offers a critical examination of a growing field of educational inquiry and social practice: the reclamation of Indigenous mother tongues.
    Review of Research in Education, March 2014
    Teresa L. McCarty, Sheilah E. Nicholas

  5. Justifying Educational Language Rights
    This article examines the English-only movement.
    Review of Research in Education, March 2014
    Stephen May

  6. A Cerebration of Language Diversity, Language Policy, and Politics in Education
    This article argues that a new optimism is needed that education language planning can be put to the service of multiliterate, multicultural, and multilingual future global citizens. 
    Review of Research in Education, March 2014
    Joseph Lo Bianco

  7. U.S. Spanish and Education: Global and Local Intersections
    This article examines the Spanish language in the United States and globally.
    Review of Research in Education, March 2014
    Ofelia Garcia

  8. Spanish as the Second National Language of the United States: Fact, Future, Fiction, or Hope?
    The history and context of Spanish as a national language is examined in this article.
    Review of Research in Education, March 2014
    Reynaldo Macias

  9. The Rediscovery of Heritage and Community Language Education in the United States
    Language and cultural preservation efforts among different communities of language speakers in the United States have received increasing attention as interest in linguistic rights and globalization continues to deepen.
    Review of Research in Education, March 2014
    Jin Sook Lee, Wayne E. Wright

  10. From Segregation to School Finance: The Legal Context for Language Rights in the United States
    This article reviews the legal trajectory of language rights in public schooling in the United States and how language has been intertwined with other policy issues in court cases aimed at expanding access and equity for minority students: desegregation and school finance.
    Review of Research in Education, March 2014
    Jeanne M. Powers

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