For Immediate Release: March 4, 2021
Contacts: Tony Pals, (202) 238-3235
Tong Wu, (202) 238-3233
** Media Advisory ** Media Invited to Register for 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting of Education Researchers
The American Educational Research Association’s annual meeting is the largest gathering of scholars in the field of education research. It is a showcase for ground-breaking, innovative scholarship in an array of areas—from early education through higher education, from digital learning to second language literacy. It is where to encounter ideas and data that will shape tomorrow's education practices and policies, and where to connect with leading thinkers from the U.S. and around the world.
Members of the media are invited to register to attend the 2021 AERA Virtual Annual Meeting, April 8-12, for five days of cutting edge research, ideas, and engagement. The 2021 Annual Meeting theme is “Accepting Educational Responsibility.”
April 8-12, 2021
Join thousands of AERA members and scholars from aligned fields and disciplines, policymakers, and practitioners to hear from major speakers and choose from more than 2,200 sessions featuring high-quality and timely education research.
Media Registration
Please complete this Press Registration Form. If you have any questions regarding your registration, contact AERA Communications at Once press registration is confirmed, AERA will send a confirmation email.
Meeting Schedule and Program
Click here to view the online program as a guest. The program can be browsed by day and time and has a universal search function to search by presenter/participant’s name or affiliation, session title/topic, and paper title/topic. An updated schedule will be released later in March for special programming including the presidential sessions and additional featured speakers.
AERA is happy to provide recommendations on Annual Meeting sessions and point members of the media to research papers, based on specific interests. Please contact AERA Communications Director Tony Pals at
Embargo Policy
Contents of research papers being presented at the 2021 AERA Annual Meeting are embargoed until 12:01 a.m. ET on the date the paper is scheduled to be delivered. Within the online meeting program, links to the abstracts of research papers are available. By accessing the schedule, you acknowledge that the contents of the abstracts are subject to AERA’s embargo policy.
Press Access and Press Room
Registered press will receive login information to the virtual annual meeting platform a few days prior to the meeting. The platform will include a staffed virtual press room.
Press Room Hours of Operation
Social Media
The hashtag for the 2021 Annual Meeting is #AERA21. Please follow AERA on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
AERA Reporters’ Resource
About AERA The American Educational Research Association (AERA) is the largest national interdisciplinary research association devoted to the scientific study of education and learning. Founded in 1916, AERA advances knowledge about education, encourages scholarly inquiry related to education, and promotes the use of research to improve education and serve the public good. Find AERA on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.