Voices from the Field—Advice on Communicating Research
Voices from the Field—Advice on Communicating Research

The Voices from the Field series in AERA Highlights showcases tips from AERA members on topics such as summarizing research, public engagement, and more.

David DeMatthews Provides Advice for Education Researchers on Why and How to Write Op-Eds​
Education research matters and is relevant to the public as well as to practitioners and policymakers, but researchers are often untrained in connecting with these important audiences. Read more

David DeMatthews is an associate professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy at the University of Texas at Austin.

Robert Kelchen Provides Tips for Summarizing Research for a Broad Audience
Congratulations—your newest article just came out! After conceptualizing your study, finding time to do it in between all of your other responsibilities, and finally getting it through a peer review process that is frequently slow and painful, it’s time to move on to the next project. Right? Read more

Robert Kelchen is a professor of education and head of the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Matthew Kraft Offers a Brief How-to Guide to Public Engagement in Academia
For many of us in academia, public engagement is at once intimidating and poorly understood. We think of social media accounts and soundbites, but engaged scholarship is so much more. Public engagement is about stepping outside of our small and insular academic subfields to interact with the broader community. Read more

Matthew Kraft is an associate professor of education and economics at Brown University and the recipient of the 2021 Outstanding Public Communication of Education Research Award from AERA.