September 2020
On September 24, AERA and the National Academy of Education (NAEd) released a statement responding to Trump administration efforts to ban use of the 1619 Project by those teaching about race in U.S. schools; to dictate what training about race, diversity, or equality federal agencies can include; and to investigate Princeton University based on the contention that the university’s intention to reconsider its own potential biases or patterns of systemic racism means that prior assurances of nonbias constituted false statements. Joining AERA and NAEd in the statement were 16 scientific societies, including the American Anthropological Association, the American Sociological Association, and other societies in a range of scientific disciplines. Since the statement was released, more societies have joined. A complete list will be available on Friday, October 2. In responding to the administration’s actions, the statement’s goal is “to bring to the attention of diverse publics—whatever one’s political party or views—that these actions both undermine our democracy and fly in the face of what scientific inquiry has affirmed on many issues and in many contexts.” The statement concludes that “we must stand against the notion that systemic racism does not exist. Institutions examining their practices, researchers interrogating these issues, or educational programming confronting the topic should be applauded for tackling the most difficult of problems. As our research attests, all of us, regardless of what we do or what we believe, will be better for it.”