October 2019
The December issue of the Journal for Educational and Behavioral Statistics (JEBS) will focus on issues related to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Coinciding with the 50th anniversary of NAEP, this special issue will include five articles that will help readers to understand technical issues surrounding NAEP and other large-scale assessment programs around the world. It will also take a forward-looking perspective to encourage new work on technology and educational assessment.
In the introduction to the special issue, JEBS editor Li Cai explains the rationale for the special issue by first looking back at the 1992 JEBS special issue on NAEP (edited by Rebecca Zwick). Cai notes that the 1992 issue “explained and familiarized the methodological community with core design features that NAEP had pioneered“ and “motivated several generations of methodologists and substantive researchers to use and improve upon the NAEP design and analysis principles in their own work.” Regarding the decision to do a new issue on NAEP, Cai says it had become “apparent to JEBS and the large-scale assessment community that much new development had taken place and a new special issue was warranted.”
In the December issue, Cai notes at least two significant developmental trends: the infusion of educational technology into the assessment experience, and the proliferation of NAEP-inspired principles in other large-scale educational assessment programs with global significance.
Please see the table of contents below with links to the abstracts.
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics Volume 44 / Number 6, December 2019
Special Issue on Research and Development on Large-Scale Educational Assessment Programs
Introduction to the Special Issue on Research and Development on Large-Scale Educational Assessment Programs Li Cai
Research on Psychometric Modeling, Analysis, and Reporting of the National Assessment of Educational Progress Andreas Oranje and Andrew Kolstad
Developments in Psychometric Population Models for Technology-Based Large-Scale Assessments: An Overview of Challenges and Opportunities Matthias von Davier, Lale Khorramdel, Qiwei He, Hyo Jeong Shin, and Haiwen Chen
Process Data in NAEP: Past, Present, and Future Yoav Bergner and Alina A. von Davier
Toward Education Quality Improvement in China: A Brief Overview of the National Assessment of Education Quality Yu Jiang, Jiahui Zhang, and Tao Xin
TIMSS 2015: Illustrating Advancements in Large-Scale International Assessments Michael O. Martin and Ina V. S. Mullis