October 2019
AERA members have received complimentary access to the current issue of Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences (PIBBS, vol. 6, no. 2), a journal of the Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences (FABBS). The issue was guest-edited by AERA members Richard Mayer, P. Karen Murphy, and Frank Worrell, and AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine.
As noted on the FABBS website, PIBBS presents original research and scientific reviews relevant to public policy. It aims to enable scientists to share research that can help build sound policies, allow policymakers to provide feedback to the scientific community regarding research that could address societal challenges, and encourage the scientific community to build models that seriously consider implementation to address the needs of society.
In a recent Q&A, coeditor P. Karen Murphy responded to questions such as “How did you decide which topics/articles to include in this issue?” “How does the unique format of this journal add to policymakers’ and practitioners’ understanding of education research?” and “Can you tell us something that you learned from this issue?”
When asked who should read the current issue of PIBBS, Murphy noted that it is “relevant for education stakeholders like university faculty studying education, school district leaders and administrators, as well as curricular coaches and teachers.”
She added, “Similarly, I think those who play an explicit role in education policy will find the articles informative and thought provoking.”
AERA members can gain complimentary access by logging in to the member side of the AERA website and clicking on the appropriate link in the Special Member Offers section.