November 2023
Registration for the 2024 AERA Annual Meeting will open the week of December 18. The conference will be held in Philadelphia on April 11–14. The program will be made available on January 22. The meeting theme is “Dismantling Racial Injustice and Constructing Educational Possibilities: A Call to Action.”
“With notifications having gone out on November 10, we are thrilled to create a compelling program that will inspire and invigorate attendees of the 2024 Annual Meeting,” said AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine. “We are also pleased to open registration earlier this year to give attendees ample time to plan ahead for the meeting.”
With more than 2,500 sessions to choose from, the 2024 Annual Meeting will provide a dynamic experience with opportunities to learn from prominent scholars, discover the latest research, engage in stimulating conversations, and foster professional relationships.
Major events such as the Opening Plenary, the AERA Presidential Address, the AERA Distinguished Lecture, the Wallace Foundation Distinguished Lecture, the AERA Awards Ceremony and Celebration, and more should be on every attendee’s schedule. Along with AERA Awards Lectures, these premier sessions offer unparalleled opportunities to hear from thought leaders and engage in stimulating conversations.
Tied to the 2024 Annual Meeting theme, 38 AERA Presidential Sessions curated by AERA President Tyrone Howard and Presidential Program Co-Chairs Linda Tillman, Rema Reynolds Vassar, and Jevon D. Hunter will provide rich and compelling content designed to engage attendees on important issues in education research, policy, and practice. Topics range from bilingual special education and conducting race-focused survey research to healing racialized trauma and Black women leaders at predominantly White institutions.
The Research and Science Policy Forum will offer a series of sessions focused on topics at the intersection of education research and science policy. Presenters include policy leaders from key federal science offices and agencies, foundation heads, and leading scholars.
In addition to major lectures and high-profile AERA-wide sessions, hundreds of paper, roundtable, and poster sessions and symposia will be held by AERA divisions, SIGs, and committees, representing an incredibly broad range of research interests.
In collaboration with the World Education Research Association and numerous other international organizations, the Annual Meeting will not only highlight research from around the globe but also support and advance the worldwide impact of the field.
The “Spotlight on Philadelphia and the Region” Series will delve into research focused on pressing education issues in the Philadelphia area, including public school reform, educator diversity, culturally relevant instruction, and more.
Among the special features this year are e-Lightening Ed-Talks, where selected authors will present their research in the form of a brief e-Lightening Ed-Talk in the Exhibit Hall. AERA is also pleased to showcase again this year the Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Series and the Youth Teams in Education Research Program, which were both successfully pilot-tested at the 2023 Annual Meeting
AERA will launch the 2024 Annual Meeting website in conjunction with the opening of registration. The site will provide presenters and other participants with important information on registration and housing, upcoming key dates, special features, Annual Meeting policies and support services, program highlights, the COVID vaccination policy, and more. Information on hotel accommodation will also be available when registration opens the week of December 18.
Questions about the Annual Meeting can be sent to