November 2023
AERA will continue to offer the Annual Meeting Graduate Student Assistance Fund (AMGSAF) that was launched in 2023. The fund provides support to graduate student members of AERA with demonstrated need to offset the cost of attending the 2024 Annual Meeting in Philadelphia (April 11–14). The deadline for applications is January 3, 2024.
“We are pleased to offer this funding opportunity for a second year as part of our efforts to ensure that graduate students are prioritized in the field and that that they are supported,” said AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine. “AERA seeks to support education researchers across all career stages, and this effort will expand access to the Annual Meeting for those who might not otherwise be able to come.”
In 2023, AERA provided AMGSAF support to 109 students at 93 universities, including 12 minority-serving institutions. With funding approved by Council, AERA will make approximately 100 awards (up to a maximum of $500 each) to enable broader graduate student access to the 2024 Annual Meeting. The association is also seeking contributions to expand the number of graduate students who can benefit from the AMGSAF.
Students enrolled in institutions both within and outside the U.S. are eligible to apply. Except in the case of sponsored registrations, graduate students who receive funding for the 2024 Annual Meeting from other AERA sources (e.g., divisions or SIGs) are not eligible for funding from the AMGSAF. Those selected to receive funding will be notified by mid-February.
To learn more, read the Call for Applications. Those who wish to contribute to the 2024 fund can do so on the AERA website.
Questions should be emailed to and include “AMGSAF” in the subject line.