November 2020 We enter this Thanksgiving season during one of the most traumatic times in modern history. COVID-19 cases are at an all-time high, with millions globally devastated by illness, the deaths of loved ones, economic hardships, and disruptions to personal and professional lives. The pandemic of systemic racism continues to impact so many, impeding true equity, equality, and opportunity. The political divisions that have deepened in recent years show little sign of healing after the recent U.S. elections. Difficult as these hardships have been for far too many, this is a time of gratitude and reflection. We give thanks in many ways for what we have and for the hope of healing in the months and years ahead. We express our profound appreciation for those who risk their lives and health to keep us safe, and we remain grateful for the peace and freedom that we continue to enjoy. We are also reminded of our ability to endure in the face of adversity, and to heal, learn, and rebuild. As a community of scholars, we recognize our responsibility to foster the potential and well-being of all through our work, to dismantle prejudices and biases that divide and alienate us, and to encourage understanding and inclusion among and beyond our communities. Grateful for the noble work in which we engage, we at AERA recommit to fostering the kind of world that is mutually supportive and respectful of all. On behalf of AERA, I wish you a happy Thanksgiving.