May 2022
AERA has announced that the current editorship of Steven Andrew Culpepper (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) for the Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics (JEBS) has been extended one additional year through 2023. Joining Culpepper for the extended term will be Gongjun Xu (University of Michigan), who will serve as co-editor, effective immediately. Before this appointment, Xu was serving as an associate editor for the journal.
The extension for Culpepper and addition of Xu was recommended by the JEBS Management Committee and approved by AERA 2021–2022 President Na’ilah Suad Nasir and the board of directors of the American Statistical Association, which cosponsors the journal. JEBS provides an outlet for papers that are original and useful to those applying statistical approaches to problems and issues in educational or behavioral research.
Xu is a leader in psychometrics and educational statistics and has great expertise in mixture models and process data. His research areas are latent variable models, psychometrics, statistical learning and inference, high-dimensional statistics, semiparametric models, and survival analysis. Xu and Culpepper will continue to receive new manuscripts through June 30, 2023.
JEBS is currently accepting submissions for a special issue, Diagnostic Statistical Models. Interested authors can submit full manuscripts by August 1, 2022 to the JEBS submission site.