March 2024
The Research and Science Policy Forum, a prominent component of the AERA Annual Meeting, is a series of invited sessions focused on important areas at the intersection of education research and science policy. This forum provides an opportunity for meeting attendees to hear from representatives of federal research agencies, learn about emerging issues in education research policy, and engage in AERA initiatives that bring scientific knowledge and methods to bear.
The 2024 AERA Annual Meeting will include over 20 sessions that will include opportunities to learn about priorities at federal agencies that support education research and statistics; emerging data and research policy issues; and insights from new high-profile reports that advance future research directions.
As part of the series, sessions will feature conversations with leadership of the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) and the National Science Foundation (NSF), and provide an opportunity for attendees to learn about federal and private foundation grant funding and hear about new developments in federal research and data policy, particularly on initiatives to advance sexual orientation and gender identity data and public access for federally-funded research.
An illustrative list of important sessions follows below. The complete list of sessions is available on the AERA website and in the online program, which includes a fuller description of the session and list of session participants.
Federal Research Agency Priorities
The Leadership Role and Research Priorities of the STEM Education Directorate (EDU): A Conversation With James L. Moore III, National Science Foundation, EDU Assistant Director Friday, April 12, 11:25 am to 12:55 pm Pennsylvania Convention Center, Level 200 - Room 203AB
Priorities and Shared Aspirations Across the Institute of Education Sciences: Perspectives From IES Commissioners Saturday, April 13, 11:25 am to 12:55 pm Pennsylvania Convention Center, Level 200 - Room 202AB
Funding Opportunities
Opportunities for Federal Research Funding: Institute of Education Sciences, National Science Foundation, and National Institutes of Health Friday, April 12, 9:35 am to 11:05 am Pennsylvania Convention Center, Level 200 - Room 202AB
Early Career Research Fellowship and Funding Opportunities Friday, April 12, 4:55 pm to 6:25 pm Pennsylvania Convention Center, Level 200 - Room 203AB
Open Office Hours With Program Officers From the Institute of Education Sciences and the National Science Foundation Directorate for STEM Education (EDU) Saturday, April 13, 1:15 pm to 2:45 pm Pennsylvania Convention Center, Level 200 - Room 204ABC
Data and Research Infrastructure
The Nelson Memo’s Implications for Education Research and Data Equity Sunday, April 14, 9:35 am to 11:05 am Pennsylvania Convention Center, Level 200 - Room 203AB
Advancing Data Infrastructures to Support LGBTQ+ Students & Scholars Sun, April 14, 11:25am to 12:55pm Pennsylvania Convention Center, Level 200, Room 202AB
Timely High-Profile Reports
Evaluating and Improving Teacher Preparation Programs: A Consensus Report from the National Academy of Education Saturday, April 13, 3:05 pm to 4:35 pm Pennsylvania Convention Center, Level 200 - Room 201C