Peer Reviewers Wanted for School Safety Solicitations
Peer Reviewers Wanted for School Safety Solicitations
March 2015

The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) seeks subject-matter experts to review applications for grant funding under the Comprehensive School Safety Initiative (CSSI), which seeks to build evidence-based knowledge about the causes of school violence and test innovative approaches to increase school safety.

Applications for funding are reviewed by a panel of peer reviewers to identify the proposals with the greatest chance of increasing the safety of schools in the U.S. NIJ seeks both technical reviewers with specialized knowledge of research and evaluation design, and practitioner reviewers with professional experience working in schools or on student safety.

Reviews of CSSI applications will occur approximately from June through August 2015. Reviewers generally have three weeks to review or evaluate 10 or more applications and spend, on average, two to four hours to thoroughly review each application. Peer reviewers receive a nominal compensation of $125 for each application reviewed, in addition to nonmonetary benefits such as professional experience and providing a public service. Learn more here.

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