AERA and OECD to Hold March 11 Forum on Research Opportunities on Global Teaching InSights Video Study—Register Now
AERA and OECD to Hold March 11 Forum on Research Opportunities on Global Teaching InSights Video Study—Register Now

February 2021

On March 11, AERA and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) will hold an interactive forum to discuss research opportunities and lessons learned from the Global Teaching InSights (GTI) Video Study—formerly known as the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) Video Study. It is co-sponsored by the AERA-ICPSR PEERS Data Hub. The forum also provides an opportunity for the international research community to learn more about the data and methodology of the study.

This event will be held on March 11, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. EST. It is being offered at no cost to registrants.

Following welcoming remarks from Felice J. Levine, AERA’s executive director, and Anna Pons, OECD’s project lead for Global Teaching InSights, Andreas Schleicher, director of education and skills at OECD, will provide framing remarks on the rationale of this unique study to better understand teaching and learning in different countries.

Schleicher’s comments will flow into panel presentations on the study methodology, available data, and lessons learned.

Panelists include:

  • Courtney Bell, director, Wisconsin Center for Education Research, and professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Eckhard Klieme, professor emeritus and research fellow, DIPF
  • Darleen Opfer, vice president and distinguished chair, RAND

These presentations will set the stage for a roundtable discussion moderated by Levine and Pons with research experts on the potential of the study for future research use.

Discussants include:

  • Kirsti Klette, professor, University of Oslo
  • Mareike Kunter, director, DIPF
  • Frederick K.S. Leung, president of ICMI and chair professor, University of Hong Kong
  • Jorge Manzi, professor, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Jon Star, professor of education, Harvard University

“We are thrilled to collaborate with OECD on this unique forum to provide researchers around the world with an orientation to this data resource,” said Levine. “Its potential is substantial from wide-ranging perspectives—whether investigating teaching and learning across countries, video analysis, mathematics education, or comparative studies. This event provides an important complement to the highly engaging forum our two organizations held in November that examined the policy implications of the new findings from Global Teaching InSights.”

In September, AERA and OECD also held a highly attended webinar on “Education Research Worldwide in a COVID and Post-COVID World.”

By directly observing teaching in the classroom, OECD's Global Teaching InSights Video Study examines classroom management, social-emotional support and instructional practices in the classroom, as well as students’ opportunities to learn the content specified in the curricula. The study is unique in the amount and types of data it collected on teaching and the methods it used to analyze them. About 700 teachers and 17,500 students from eight countries and economies participated.