February 2019
On April 6—the second day of the AERA Annual Meeting—a National Science Foundation (NSF)–funded workshop will address the practices, problems, and promise of sharing human participants’ research data ethically and responsibly. AERA meeting attendees who have received an award from the NSF since 2012 are welcome to apply to attend the workshop. The workshop attendees will discuss the challenges they have faced, are facing, or anticipate facing in interacting with human research participants. They will discuss how they have approached such challenges and consider how they and other scholars can work to mitigate them. The workshop will be offered by two data repositories: the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR, University of Michigan) and the Qualitative Data Repository (QDR, Syracuse University). “We at AERA strongly support this initiative and encourage you to apply if you have recently received NSF funding for research involving human participants,” said AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine. “The field of education research has been at the forefront of conversations about data sharing and research transparency, and initiatives such as this one keep us at the leading edge of these discussions.”
Those who are interested in attending the workshop should send the following materials, in the form of a Word or PDF email attachment, to the Qualitative Data Repository (qdr@syr.edu) no later than 5:00 p.m. EST on Tuesday, March 5: (a) the title of your NSF-funded project, (b) the NSF award number, (c) an abstract of the project, (d) the names of any other PIs on the NSF grant, (e) a two-to-three-sentence account of why you are interested in attending the workshop. Acceptances will be announced no later than Tuesday, March 12. Questions about the workshop should be addressed to the organizers: Colin Elman (celman@maxwell.syr.edu), Diana Kapiszewski (dk784@georgetown.edu), Dessislava Kirilova (dpkirilo@maxwell.syr.edu), or Margaret Levenstein (maggiel@umich.edu).