December 2023
The Standards Management Committee (MC) is seeking nominations for co-chairs and members of the Joint Committee (JC) for the revision of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (Standards), sponsored by AERA, the American Psychological Association (APA), and the National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME). Nominations are due January 1.
The current edition of the Standards was developed by the previous Joint Committee that was appointed in 2008. Members of AERA, APA, and NCME were surveyed during spring and summer of 2023 to seek input on priorities among possible issues to be addressed in a revision of the Standards. A number of broad themes arose from the input, including (a) organization, structure, and cadence of revisions; (b) fairness in testing, and diversity, equity, and inclusion more broadly; (c) the role of rapidly changing technologies, artificial intelligence, and innovations in testing methods and modalities; and (d) the potential provision of more explicit guidance on test score misuse. The Standards Management Committee hopes to enlist members of the JC with specific expertise in these areas, among other areas that are detailed in the Call for Nominations.
“The sponsoring organizations strive to identify candidates who bring a wide range of expertise, perspectives, and experiences to the JC that would vitally contribute to the revised Standards as an essential testing resource for a wide range of stakeholders,” reads the Call for Nominations.
The Management Committee will engage graduate student leaders in the sponsoring organizations throughout the revision process. Joint Committee co-chairs will be responsible for collaborating with the MC to review feedback on the current 2014 Standards, refining the charge to the JC, selecting members of the JC, and specifying the plan and timeline for the revision.
Nominations are open to individuals who are affiliated with or are members of one or more of the sponsoring organizations. Complete information about responsibilities and selection criteria is available in the Call for Nominations. Nominations can be submitted through the Nomination Form.
Questions can be sent to the MC at