December 2022
AERA has launched the 2023 Annual Meeting Graduate Student Assistance Fund (AMGSAF) to provide support to enable graduate student members of AERA with demonstrated need to offset the cost of attending the place-based component of the 2023 Annual Meeting in Chicago, April 13–16. The deadline for application submissions is January 19, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. PST.
“This new funding initiative aims to expand access to the Annual Meeting for graduate students who might not otherwise be able to attend the place-based meeting,” said AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine. “It’s important to AERA that graduate students are prioritized in our field and that their success is supported.”
AERA will make approximately 100 awards (up to a maximum of $500) to graduate student members. Students enrolled in institutions both within and outside the U.S. are eligible to apply. Graduate students who receive funding for the 2023 Annual Meeting, other than sponsored registrations, from other AERA sources (e.g., divisions or SIGs) are not eligible for funding from the AMGSAF. Those selected to receive funding will be notified February 15 and will receive funds by March 15.
The Call for Applications and online application are available on the AERA website. This program is the designee of one of two end-of-year giving funds to broaden inclusion in the field and support the professional involvement of graduate students. Contributions to the 2023 Annual Meeting Graduate Student Assistance Fund can be made on the AERA website.
Questions about the Annual Meeting Graduate Student Assistance Fund should be emailed to and include “AMGSAF” in the subject line.