December 2020
Two of AERA’s journals, Educational Researcher (ER) and Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (EEPA), recently added new associate editors to their teams. The AERA Journal Publications Committee was pleased to approve the requests from the editor teams, especially since both journals have seen a dramatic rise in new submissions.
For ER, the new associate editors are Suzanne Eckes (Indiana University), Keon McGuire (Arizona State University), Oren Pizmony-Levy (Teachers College, Columbia University), and Heather Zimmerman (Pennsylvania State University). The current editors (June Ahn, Thurston Domina, Andrew McEachin, Dana Thompson Dorsey, and Sarah Woulfin) state that the appointees “will certainly support ER in publishing relevant, generative scholarship. We value their expertise in the areas of education law and leadership, the intersection of higher education and racism, sociology of education, international education, and learning sciences. We appreciate their service to the field.”
ER issues, submission information, and the current editorial board can be found here.
For EEPA, the new associate editors are Allison Atteberry (University of Colorado, Boulder), Brent Evans (Vanderbilt University), Jennifer Holme (University of Texas, Austin), and Gema Zamarro Rodriguez (University of Arkansas). “Each of them complements the existing editorial team, enhancing EEPA's focus on rigorous education policy research," said EEPA co-editors Joseph Cimpian, Julie Marsh, and Paco Martorell.
EEPA issues, submission information, and the current editorial board can be found here