Carolyn D. Herrington, Florida State University, and Vivian L. Gadsden, the University of Pennsylvania, have been appointed as coeditors of Educational Researcher (ER) for the 2013–2015 volume years.
Herrington and Gadsden were appointed earlier this month by 2011-2012 AERA President Arnetha Ball, concluding a process that began last July with a call for nominations, followed by candidate applications and Journal Publications Committee deliberations. As editors, Herrington and Gadsden will be responsible for leading ER and continuing the excellent track record of this highly regarded peer-reviewed journal. Florida State University will serve as host for the editorial office. Last year, ER premiered in Journal Citation Reports with the top impact factor in the education and education research category.
ER publishes scholarly articles of theoretical, methodological, or policy interest to those engaged in educational policy analysis, evaluation, and decision making. It is a multidisciplinary journal and considers original research from multiple disciplines, theoretical orientations, and methodologies.
The new editors have broad and extensive experience in research and publishing in the field.
Carolyn D. Herrington is a professor of educational leadership and policy studies at Florida State University, as well as director of the Center on Educational Policy. Prior to that, she was dean of the College of Education at the University of Missouri. Her research focuses on the politics and policies of educational reform with a particular emphasis on the role of the state. She has published numerous articles, chapters, and policy reports and has served on the editorial boards of the journal Education Finance and Policy and the Journal of Education Finance. She has just completed terms as the founding chair of the AERA Ethics Committee. She served as vice president of Division L (Educational Policy and Politics), which included service as a member of AERA Council.
Vivian L. Gadsden is William T. Carter Professor of Child Development and Education and a professor of education at the University of Pennsylvania. She is also faculty director of the Penn Schools Partnership and director of the National Center on Fathers and Families. Her research focuses on cultural and social factors affecting learning and literacy across the life course and within families. Her publications include journal articles, book-length volumes, and federally commissioned reports. She also coedited the 2009 volume of Review of Research in Education, entitled “Risk, Schooling, and Equity.” As vice president of Division G (Social Context of Education) from 2003 to 2006, Gadsden served as a member of AERA Council; from 2009 to 2012 she served as at-large member of the AERA Council and on the AERA Executive Board.
Herrington and Gadsden’s editorial team will include four associate editors: Motoko Akiba, Florida State University; Stephanie Al Otaiba, Southern Methodist University; David Eccles, Florida State University; and Shaun R. Harper, University of Pennsylvania.
The new coeditors will begin to receive manuscripts on July 1 and will become editors of record in January 2013. They succeed Steven R. Yussen, University of Minnesota–Twin Cities, and his team, who will complete their three-year term of service in 2012. Manuscript submissions should continue to go to the ER submissions webpage.