April 2024
On May 23, 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., AERA will hold a virtual public forum, “Critical Approaches to Education Policy Research—Improving Researchers’ Capacity to Address Injustice.” The event will further conversation, understanding, and attention regarding critical approaches to education policy analysis and to research findings of consequence for just and democratic schools and society.
Registration for the public forum is open to the public and available at no cost.
Showcasing insights from the June 2024 special issue of Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (EEPA), the forum will highlight critical approaches to education policy analysis and broaden and deepen our understanding of how research can better address problems of inequity and injustice in education policy and examine issues of inequality, power, and systems of oppression.
“We are happy to offer this opportunity to elevate this important topic, advance scholarly discussion of it, and raise public understanding of its impact,” said AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine. “The EEPA and special issue teams have delivered cutting-edge research that will resonate across the field.”
An introduction by EEPA Co-Editor Sylvia Hurtado (University of California, Los Angeles) will be followed by presentations by two special issue authors: Heather McCambly (University of Pittsburgh, “Constructing an Educational ‘Quality’ Crisis: (E)quality Politics and Racialization Beyond Target Beneficiaries”) and Tasminda K. Dhaliwal (Michigan State University, “Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child? A Critical Discourse Analysis of State Corporal Punishment Policies and Practices”).
Erica O. Turner (University of Wisconsin, Madison), special issue co-guest editor, will moderate, with Michelle D. Young (University of California, Berkeley) serving as commentator.
A moderated discussion among the presenters and commentators will be followed by audience Q&A. ASL and captioning will be provided.
The complete EEPA special issue, Critical Approaches to Education Policy Research, can be browsed on EEPA’s website. Erica Turner’s co-guest editors were Dominique J. Baker (University of Delaware), and Huriya Jabbar (University of Southern California).