April 2021
The 2021 volume of Review of Research in Education (RRE), titled “Quality of Research Evidence in Education: How Do We Know?” raises questions about how to address the persisting disparities in education by rethinking assumptions, study designs, the quality of research collected, and who participates in research teams and in studies.
The volume, released this month, was edited by Terri Pigott (George State University) and Ann Marie Ryan (University of Texas at San Antonio), with Charles Tocci (Loyola University Chicago) serving as associate editor.
“We are very happy to see this volume’s release,” said Pigott. “The authors help to provide an understanding of the quality of the broad range of education research we produce, and to provide for research users a greater sense of what constitutes high-quality evidence.”
The table of contents and abstracts can be viewed here. In their introduction, the editors state that they are
interested in developing an understanding of the quality of education research that moves beyond a study’s technical merit. When assessing a new education intervention, we often want to know if the intervention works, for whom, and in what context. But we also need to ask whose aims are served by our research and whose aims are neglected, how open the researchers are about their methods and values, how history bears on the subject and context being studied, and whose perspectives and biases are represented in the research.
AERA members who selected RRE as their journal of choice have already received this volume. Members who wish to receive the volume as an additional journal can do so by logging into the AERA website and clicking the “purchase additional journal” link ($20; $10 for students).
About the Editors:
Terri D. Pigott is a professor at Georgia State University with a joint appointment in the School of Public Health and the College of Education and Human Development. She received her PhD in education from the University of Chicago, specializing in measurement, evaluation, and statistical analysis. Her research focuses on the methods for meta-analysis, including handling of missing data, power analysis in meta-analysis, and individual participant data meta-analysis.
Ann Marie Ryan is a professor of education in the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Texas at San Antonio. She received her PhD in curriculum and instruction from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Her teaching and research concentrate on the preparation and professional development of educators. She also researches the history of Catholic schooling in the United States from the early to mid-20th century with a focus on the intersections between Catholic schools and public education reforms.
Charles Tocci is an assistant professor of education at Loyola University Chicago. He earned his doctorate at Teachers College, Columbia University, where he also worked as senior research associate at the National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools, and Teaching. He is a coauthor of The Curriculum Foundations Reader, and his work has been published in Review of Research in Education, Educational Philosophy and Theory, and the Washington Post.